11. Recess

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Back in school, you were clearly having an even harder time. Word spread like wildfire here. Everyone now knows you created trouble and has distanced themselves from you. The only ones who were willing to talk to you openly were Peter and his friends, Ned and MJ you think.

It was recess and you were walking to Peter and his friends with your tray of food. Suddenly, Liz walked right into you, causing your tray to drop on the floor. You looked right back at her.

"Oops. Looks like someone doesn't have eyes for others." Liz spoke sarcastically.

"Maybe because someone doesn't deserve it." You answered, trying to play her game.

"What did you say?" She punched you in the face and you dropped to the floor.

You stood back up and licked the blood on your lips and smiled sinisterly. "I can take more than that." You tried to taut her.

"You creep." She punched you again. Everyone crowded around to see the commotion. You laughed at her this time. She was starting to get worried if you were crazy. One of her friends raised her arms and was about to hit you again and you stood there smiling at her, waiting for the punch to land.

You felt someone pulled you aside and it was Peter with his friends.

"What do you think you're doing? You're not even defending yourself." Peter trying to knock some sense into you.

"Yeah. Look at you now." Ned joined in the conversation.

Suddenly, everyone heard the whistle and it was the head of discipline walking to the canteen. Someone must have informed him and he's here to check things out. As soon as students saw him walking in, they ran away. Leaving only Liz and I standing in place.

Mr Brad looked at the mess that both of you had caused. "What did the principal say about causing trouble?"

"I didn't do anything."

"Y-yeah, she just stood there." Peter interjects.

"Enough Peter, if I find out you're in this too, you're in trouble."

"Peter, it's fine. Why don't you head to class?" You pushed him aside, knowing it's better not to bring him any trouble.

Both of you were escorted to his office.

"It has only been a few days since your last offence. This isn't good for the school." Mr Brad crossed his fingers and talked.

The school, all they care about is the school. All they want are students with good grades to make their school look good.

"Both your guardians are making their way here as we speak. It's sad to say, but both of you are suspended for a week."

You banged the table. "Why should I be suspended? I'm the victim here."

"You roped me into this too." Liz spoke up.

"How? What did I even do?"

"Enough. Please, don't let us expel you from school." Mr Brad raised his hand and tried to separate us.

Shortly, Nat appeared in the office. "Y/N, what the hell were you doing again?"

You sighed and put your head in your hands.

"Ms Romanoff." Mr Brad greeted her.

"What did she do?"

"Me? I- I didn't do anything." You tried to plead with her.

"I don't want to hear it. Go wait in the car." Nat said impatiently. You could hear the anger and frustration in her voice.

You stood up and grabbed your bag. "Better make sure it's opened this time." You said with your back facing her and you walked out.

You spotted the black corvette on the driveway and walked towards it. The school has not ended so there's hardly any people on the driveway. You tried to open the door to find it locked again. You kicked the car in frustration.

"How am I supposed to get in? Stop saying the wrong thing!"

Nat unlocked the car and got in.

"So, what did he say I did?"

"Don't say anything else or I'll launch you out of the car." Nat gearing up to leave. 

I don't think Liz will actually do that, more of all talk no action. But I needed someone.

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