16. Nightmare

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You've spent almost 4 months with the Avengers. Time never passed so quickly for you. You were always counting until the day ended.

You walked over to Nat's car, dazed. You sat in the car still processing the fact that 4 months had passed, that you didn't realise that the car was not moving.

"Are you okay?" Nat shook you back to reality.

"Huh. Yeah, I was just thinking about... school. We're having a test in 2 months." You quickly thought of something to say.

Nat looked at you suspiciously before driving off.

You dumped your bag on the floor after walking into your room. You slumped into bed hoping to get a few winks of sleep. You were having even more trouble sleeping ever since you got back your memories. Each time you closed your eyes, you would either have a nightmare about your parents or Hydra. Both were not very pleasant to relive.


It was the first day they brought you back to Hydra. They were starting on their first reformative session on you. You had just finished talking to Strucker. They started pasting all sorts of things around you and you tried to dodge it by moving around.

Strucker held your head in place. "It's going to hurt a lot more if you keep moving." You bit his hand and he released his grip.

"You b***h." He slapped you across the face and you slowly turned and stared at him back.

"You need to learn your place." He took a baton from the nearest soldier and started hitting you. You grunted silently with each hit. After all this was nothing different from home. It hurt, but you could bear it.

After he thinks you have enough beating, he signals for his scientist to start the session. You tensed up as you felt the electric wave flow through your body. You would pass out in the middle of the session, but they would splash water on you to wake you up and start over again.


Nat could hear something from your room. You were not screaming but shouting random words. She opened your door to check if you're okay and saw you squirming on your bed. Nat rushed to your side and tried to wake you up. Beads of sweat were dripping off your forehead, it was clear that you were having a nightmare.

"Hey! Y/N, wake up!" You could hear someone calling your name. It seems really close to you, but it sounded fuzzy at the same time. The shaking of your body was getting more violent. Finally, you woke up to Nat's face right in front of you. You can see her furrowed eyebrows looking directly at you.

"Are you alright?" She wiped the sweat off you.

You stared at her blankly silently with your heart racing for a few seconds before hugging her. As much as you hate to admit it, you needed someone. You were about to break down. 

Nat froze for a second there. She never had anyone hugging her before. She slowly relaxed her shoulders and rubbed your back. You cried at her shoulders, hugging her tightly. You have never felt so comforted before that you were relaxed enough to let go of your feelings. You had it all bottled up.

"It was tough, so tough. I cannot stand it anymore." Sobbing in between your words.

"It's okay, you can let it go." She stroked your hair and calmed you down.

You stopped crying and pulled away from her. Nat wiped your tears off your face and rubbed your hands as she looked at you. You were still sniffing from your tears.

"You can tell me when you feel like it." Nat stood up as she let go of your hands.

You quickly grabbed her hand back. "Stay. I got back my memories ever since that day we got back from Hydra. I'll tell you everything you want to know." You don't know when you'll say it if you missed this opportunity. But you don't know what to say.

"What do you want to know?"

"How about you tell me what happened in school?" Nat wanted to start off with the easier topic. She sits at the edge of the bed, next to you.

"... The first time you were called to school. It was because I didn't know how to answer the question the teacher posed to me, and Liz said I was too busy picking up boys, so I argued with her. The second time you were called, it happened during recess. She knocked over my tray so I taunted her and she punched me. I stood there smiling at her and she punched me again saying I was crazy."

"What are you going to do about it?" Nat spoke nonchalantly.

"Y- You want me to do something about it?" You looked at her shocked, with your mouth ajar.

"She deserves it." Nat nodded her head slightly.

"I thought I was getting scolded because of this." You were pretty sure that was the reason why you were stuck in your room for the past week.

"You were, but I didn't understand your situation."

"Don't worry, she'll get her due if it's the last thing I do."

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