32. Theme park

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You went to find Peter as soon as the examination was done. He was seated at the other end of the hall due to the sitting arrangement.

"How do you think I'll fare?" Peter has been kind of like your mentor for this examination so you figured he could tell you how it was.

"Honestly, I think you'll do great. Some of the things we covered did come out."

"Yeah? That's great. Do you want to come over?"

"Ohh. I would like to, but May needs my help today..."

"It's okay. Next time." 


"Congratulations for completing your studies." Nat said as you settled down in your room, yawning. It's still morning, but you're tired from all that thinking.

"Thanks Nat."

"Do you want to go anywhere to celebrate? Tony is having a party tonight."

You thought for a moment, somewhere... Where would you want to go?

"... Maybe a theme park?" You always wanted to follow your friends when they invited you but you had no money and asking permission from your mother was a suicide mission.

Nat drove you and Wanda to Disneyland. She did ask the others but obviously Tony and Steve weren't going to come to a place like this.

As soon as you got out of the car, you saw all the tall structures which you assumed to be rides and the loud music blasting in your ears. Your jaw was on the floor until Nat tapped your shoulder and snapped you out of it.

"First time here?" Wanda accompanied you as Nat went to buy the tickets, using Tony's credit card.

"Yeah. I didn't think there would be so many people here though."

"There are always a lot of people here."

You looked around, everyone here was with some sort of people. They were never alone, they were either with their friends or families.

"Here." Nat passed you your ticket. "I got us fast passes, courtesy of Tony's card."

Wanda dragged you to get on the rides. "You're going to like this one. The cyclone is the most popular one."
(Definitely not in Disneyland, my country doesn't have Disneyland)

You guys skipped a lot of waiting due to the fast pass.

You followed the instructor's words and strapped yourself in the safety bars before getting pulled up the ramp. The anticipation grew as you got closer and closer to the sky. You were seated in the front with Wanda and could see the point where you're going to drop. You tighten your grip on the bar as you hear your heart beating in your ear. Too late to back out.

You clenched your jaws as wind slaps across your face. It was even worse when it did 360 on the tracks. You heard everyone screaming when they went on rides, but you can't even open your mouth. By the time the roller coaster ended, your hand was white from gripping the bar.

"That was not what I expected." You managed to speak as you stepped out of the seat. Your hand has absolutely no strength to hold onto anything.

"Not so much of a roller coaster person huh..." Wanda said as she helped you to open the bottle of water.

"I mean maybe as long as we don't go onto those that have 360s." You didn't want to make her feel bad, what's the point of going to a theme park when you're not going to get on rides?

Nat was just following along behind, this kind of thing doesn't faze her and most definitely doesn't interest her.

You and Wanda went along for more rides that were more tame until it was time to have some food. You were getting kind of hungry wasting energy on the ride, holding onto your dear life on the bars.

You guys went to a random restaurant and ordered food. They have food themed around various movies and characters. You just picked a random one.

You were heading out of the park when a booth caught your eye. You have been seeing people walking around holding stuffed toy and wondered where they got it from.
(To be fair, you didn't walk into any of the shops.)

You tucked the hems of Nat's shirt and she turned to look at you.

"Ummm... I was wondering if I can get that..." You pointed to the booth.

Wanda and Nat turned to the direction you pointed and instantly understood your meaning. They brought you to the booth and the owner entertained them.

"Shoot all 5 targets down and you get to choose a prize. How many BBs do you need?"

"Just 5." Nat spoke up before you could. You thought you would have to do this yourself. She stepped away from you and got into position

Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew and all 5 targets were down, even the owner was just staring blankly at the now, down targets.

Nat cleared her throat and returned the airsoft gun back to the owner.

"Umm. Well, go ahead and choose your prize."

Nat looked at you and you pointed to the bear hanging at the top. She passed the bear to you and said. "Do you want anything else?"

You shook your head as you hugged the bear close to your chest and buried your face with a wide smile slowly spreading across your face.

"Well, let's go back then."

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