27. Worried

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You woke up to beeping noises and as if you were being sucked into a black hole. You couldn't move.

You blinked open your eyes and were greeted by the blinding lights hanging above your head. You tried to move but it was as if your body was glued to the bed. You closed your eyes again thinking that you're dreaming.

Suddenly, you felt someone holding your arm and you shot open your eyes. You were not dreaming.

"You're awake! Are you feeling alright?" You heard Nat speak as she gripped your hand even harder.

"I can feel the pain, so you definitely should be worried." You replied to her in a weak voice.

"You got shot and several fractured ribs, you have no idea how worried I was!"

"No wonder I can't really move. I guess I haven't been out long."

"How did you know?"

"Please don't think of me as a weirdo, but from your hair length. It hasn't changed much."


"Hey!" You saw the rest of the team coming in.

"Are you feeling better kid?" Steve standing in front of your bed.

You nodded and smiled at him.

"We are all waiting for you in the compound." Wanda came out from behind.

"Surprisingly, the bed here is not bad. Not as soft." You pointed out.

They stayed here for a while accompanying you before heading back, leaving you alone with Nat.

By the time Nat came back from walking the rest of the team out, you were fast asleep. You had been trying to stay awake the entire time when the team was trying to make conversations with you. You had little to no energy, but you didn't want to make them feel bad. You drifted in and out of conversation, nodding here and there to seem like you were paying attention.

When Nat came back to see you fully asleep, she let herself fall into the bed the hospital had provided since she was your guardian. She didn't let herself fully go to sleep, just in case anything happened to you.

A few days passed and you were well enough to leave the hospital. They gave you a sling for your shoulder since the bullet was lodged in there and they made sure to inform you to not have any strenuous activity considering your ribs were still healing.

Everyone welcomed you back to the compound and Tony's voice was the loudest.

"In celebration of you returning, we should have a party!" Earning a stare from Nat.

"Alright. Scrap that. We will just have a movie night. Tomorrow at 9pm."

Everyone turned their attention back to you again after Tony left. You received their awkward gaze and cleared your throat.

"Well, I'm heading back to my room. I'll see you guys tonight."

Slowly but surely, you made your way to your room. It was still the same as you left it. Not that you changed much. The dent was still there. It seemed like nobody walked into your room.

You lied in bed. You can't argue you weren't in pain. This was the worst injury you had out of all the missions you've been for Hydra. With each breath you took; you could feel the pain stabbing you internally. Furthermore, you were out of hospital, no more of those accessible pain medications they had hooked to your IV that you can turn on anytime.

You groaned as you sat up to go to the kitchen. On your way there, you met Nat who was about to go back to her room.

"Why are you out?"

"Am I not supposed to be out?"

"I mean I thought you were resting."

"I... was wondering if there was any Tylenol (or paracetamol whichever)." You told her truthfully.

"I'll go get them and bring them to you." Nat turned around and left. You looked at her leaving before going back to your room.

Nat came back with the box of Tylenol and a glass of water.

"You know you can tell us if you're hurting." She handed them to you.

"I told you I was getting Tylenol, besides what else can you do about it?" You swallowed the pill with water.

"No one is able to walk normally after getting shot and falling from the 3rd floor!" Nat raised her voice slightly.

"There's something called resistance you build up. Deal with it!" You matched her voice with yours. You took a deep breath, inviting a sharp pain to your chest. Despite having taken Tylenol, the effects have yet to set in. You dropped the glass on your hand and clutched your chest.

"Sorry! Are you okay?" Nat held onto you to make sure you didn't fall. You took quick shallow breaths until the pain subsided again. Nat put you down on your bed and looked at you worriedly.

"I'm okay. I'm just going to sleep." Speaking almost at a whisper.

Nat lets you get comfortable in bed before leaving you alone. 

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