Chapter 3- Are you Ready?

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Dedicated to: @SarahPrice750

Cam's POV

I woke up in one if those real life dream things. I was at a One Direction concert and Tiff was jumping up and down at my side. Then I woke up. Tiffany was jumping up and down on the end of my bed instead of my side. So much for that. Then I remembered what happened last night! We met One Direction!

"Goooood Morningggg!" Tiffany sang with a big smile on her face.

"Morning Babe," I said returning a big smile, "are you ready for the best day of your life?" I said hoping out of bed.

"You know it!" She said in a screechy fan-girl voice.

I rolled my eyes and asked, "what time do we have to leave to get to the pre-show sound check?"

She picked up the piece of paper Paul brought up last night, "12:45." I turned around to look at the clock on the microwave. '10:45'! Only 2 hours!

"Holy cow! Lets get ready!"

"Okay!" Tiff said grabbing the suitcases from under the beds.

We grabbed our outfits and headed to the bathroom. I helped Tiffany curl the ends of her hair and make her make-up subtle but noticeable! If Zayn didn't think she looked beautiful he'd be the stupidest guy in the world. She looked flawless. She had light brown eyeshadow, black mascara, and a little eyeliner.

Then she helped me get ready. She straightened my long brown hair as straight as it could go and Then I put on a little tan eyeshadow on the base of my eye and I put on some mascara, a little eyeliner, and light lipgloss.

We put on our shoes, grabbed our purses, then my mom walked in.

"Ooh good. You all are up. You ready to go?"

"Yeah, one second." We walked over to the mirror, pulling a Zayn to make sure we looked decent.

"Kay," I said looking over to Tiff, "we're ready!"

We walked out into the hall and started down the hall when we saw the 5 most well-known boys walking out of there rooms.

"HEy!" All five of them said in unison.

"Hey guys!" Tiffany and I replied.

"Were you leaving for the sound-check?" Niall said in his cute Irish accent looking up and down at my outfit smiling.

"Yeah, I guess you all were too?" Tiffany replied.

"Yeah." Niall said kicking something back and forth at the ground, "so, did you really want to come to our concert?" He said looking up and over to my mom.

"Well, I just wasn't to fond of my daughter being at a concert alone in the city."

"Understood," Niall said, "if you wanted to do something you wanted to do today, we have room in our van; they could ride and hang out with us?" He said smiling.

"Well.." She said looking over at us two with pouty convincing faces, "if your sure that's okay!" She said looking back to Niall. I think she was just wondering how Tiffany and I were remaining calm.

"Great!" Liam chimed in, "well, we better get going so we can get changed and such."

"Alright, bye thanks mommy! Love you!" I said giving her a smile and kiss on the cheek. I turned around, locked arms with Tiffany and we began to follow the boys out.


Once we got to the arena we were escorted backstage, along with the boys, and went to their makeup/dressing room. When we waked in an very pretty lady grabbed the boys and threw each of them into their chairs.

"This," Harry said smoothing out his shirt, "is Lou. She's our makeup artist."

"Hi!" I said waving.

"Hi girls! If you'd like something to do, you can go wake up my baby, Lux. She's been sleeping for a while, so it'll be fine!" Lou said with a big smile.

Tiffany and I looked at each other with giant grins.

"Okay!" I walked back into another room and saw Lux standing up in her play-pin.

"Huy" she said in her little voice.

"Hi, cutie!" I said picking her up and walking back into the other room again.

"Hey darling." Harry said looking at Lux in my arms.

"Huy Hally." She tried to say Harry, but was unable to pronounce her 'r's.

"Come to Uncle Harry." Lux leaned over and Harry grabbed her and sat her on his lap.

"We'll be ready in a few if you want to just go and sit for the soundcheck." Niall said handing us passes.

"Okay. See you later?"

"Of course." He said winking. The butterflies in my stomach felt so huge I thought you'd be able to see them.

We walked out onto the stage to head to our seats. We were front and center. It was nice. The girl next to me kept giving us dirty looks, obvious to the fact we walked out here from behind the stage.

"So why were you behind the stage?" She said snotty.

"Ooh," I said looking her in her eyes, "I was watching the boys get ready with Lou, watching Harry be cute with Lux, and holding her too." I said with a smirk and breaking our gazes.

"Hphm." She said turning around.

"Good afternoon everyone!" Liam said leading the rest of the boys onto the stage, followed by screams. There were only about 240 of us there since it was only a soundcheck.

"We're gonna start off with 'They Don't Know About Us.' Is that okay with you all?" It was like a signal, and the crowd went wild, including us.


Sorry it's sorta short. I jus needed to update! Thanks for reading; please fan and comment and vote lovelies!<3

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