Chapter 8: "Sorry ladies but can we borrow you for a second?"

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This chapter is dedicated again to @StefaniTheNija and @Emmaluvsonedirection! :D Hope you guys love this chapter! <33

note- I think this is one of my worst chapters with grammer and detail, so sorry!


Cam's POV

"Tiffany!" I shouted at her through the bathroom door, "what swimsuit are you wearing?"

"One second!"

I waited. A few seconds later she walked out in an all black studded bikini. She had a white cover-up that faded into black at the bottom. Her sandals were navy blue with studs to match her suit. Her hair was wavy and natural. She had light lip-gloss on. She looked very pretty, Zayn's chin is going to drop!

"You look fabulous!" I said smiling, "now come help me!"

We walked over to my bed and I had 3 bikinis laying out, we scanned over them before Tiffany made her decision.

"That one!" She said pointing to a flowy-striped colorful bottom, with a strapless top. I had a blue romper to go over it with black strapy sandal.

"Okay!" I went to the bathroom to change then came out.

"Oh, my!" Niall is going to drop dead, "that makes your curves look terrific."

"Eep. Thanks! What time is it?"


"Seriously? I told them we'd be over there at 12!"

"Oh, let's go!"

"Okay!" I pulled my hair up into a loose and messy pony tail. We grabbed our beach towels and walked to the boy's room.

Niall's POV

'2 more minutes, they still have 2 more minutes.' I kept telling myself. I couldn't help thinking that they'd stand us up. I just never felt like I was good enough for people.

'1 minute till. Of course.'

"Niaaaaaalllllll!" Zayn said coming to get me from my room, "They're here!"

I shot up and walked with Zayn to the door.

"Hi, wow, oh my gosh, you look- you look, gorgeous." Zayn barely managed to spatter out to Tiffany.

'Nice Zayn.' I thought.

"Hi Cam. You look great!" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her into a hug. She was so amazing and I couldn't wait for tonight.

Zayn gave Tiffany a hug and they literally looked perfect for each other!

"You guys ready to go?" I called out to the rest of the guys.

"YES!" They all hollered getting up. Harry grabbed the picnic basket and we a headed for the door.

"Liam and I's girlfriends are going to met us up there, don't worry, you ladies will get along fine." Harry told Cam and Tiff.

"Sweet! I can't wait!" Cameron said.

We all grabbed our beach towels and headed to the SUV. Paul drove us down to the Malibu Beach. They had about 3 miles rented out just for us. We grabbed our things and hopped out of the car. The air was so humid which made the 85 degrees feel a lot hotter.

Cam's POV

I spotted 2 girls off in the distance sitting on a towel. I figured it was Liam and Harry's girls. We walked up to them and waited to be introduced.

"Girls," Harry said walking up to a girl in a striped navy and pink bikini with and anchor cover-up and pink sandals, "this is Emma. She is the most amazing, craziest, and perfect thing out there; but she's my girl." He said wrapping his arm around her waist. It was so cute!

(There outfits on side!)

"This," Liam said joining Harry next to a girl in a high wasted black bottoms, with a hot pink fringe top, a striped cover-up, and tan shoes, "is my beautiful love, Stephanie. But she normally has people call her Steph, she's my babe." He was now blushing as he grabbed her hand and gave her a light kiss on the lips.

"Awh, you guys are so cute!"

"Thanks," Stephanie said holding her hand out, "and you are?"

"She my babe." Niall said putting his arm around my shoulder, "well, my babe -um- friend, Cameron." He said correcting himself.s

"Just a friend aye?"

"Yes, Steph, just a friend!"

"Ooh, Okay." She said sarcastically.

We all looked over to Emma and Harry.

"Hi Cameron, I'm Emma, normal girl, in love with a gorgeous Britt, what's your friends name?" She said gesturing over to Tiff.

"Her names Tiffany." Zayn said cutting in.

"Hi!" Tiffany said shaking Emma's hand.

"Let's eat, I'm starving!" Niall said taking the basket out of Liam's hand.

We made a little spot on the sand big enough for all of us to fit. We ate homemade Nandos, sandwiches, chips, carrots, cookies, and lastly, we put it all down with a cold soda. And the boys did a little swimming. Emma and Steph were really nice, we all traded numbers and I was excited for what our future friendships held.

About an hour or so of sitting and talking, eating, and more swimming Niall and Zayn came over and grabbed me and Tiffany.

"Sorry ladies, but can we borrow you for a second?"

"Sure, what's up?" I asked standing up next to Tiffany.

"We wanna go for a walk." Zayn said.

Zayn grabbed Tiffany's hand and I knew she was in Heaven. I looked back at the other girls and the boys had joined them. Eleanor couldn't come, her conference got held over so Louis was all by himself. Liam and Harry, however, were snuggled up to Stephanie and Emma holding hands and being all cutesy. I really hoped me and Niall could be like that sometime.

After walking for what seemed a long time, Zayn pulled Tiffany back and winked at Niall.

'What was going on?' I thought to myself.

Niall and I kept walking and I was really starting to wonder what was up.

"Cameron," Niall said bringing me back to reality, "I have to ask you something."

'Oh no. The butterflies, they're back, oh gosh.' It felt like I was 12 again.

"So, I know we don't really know each other that well..." Niall began

'Oh the butterflies'

"...but I feel like I've known you longer then I have and I really would like to see you more. I know we're on tour and don't even live in the same country, but I was wondering if maybe, um, if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" He started blushing, as did I.


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