Chapter 10: "I hope this isn't goodbye"

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So, another update later tonight, this chapter has some major cute moments! :D hehe, I love this chapter! Hope to have one later this morning, it's 3:50am, so it just depends! <3


Niall's POV

I woke with my arm around Cameron's shoulder and her head lying on my chest. She was so beautiful when she slept. I was awake for 25 minutes before she finally started wrestling around.

"Good morning beautiful" I said rolling over so I could face her. One of my arms was propping up my head while the other was around her waist and I was smiling.

"Good morning!" She said rolling over too.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good. But I slept with a big comfy teddy bear." She said showing her cute little smile.

I smiled too, "ha, thanks babe."

"Why of course. Have you already eaten?"


"Shall we then?"

She was perfect, she was real... and she likes food.

"Do birds fly?"

She laughed and we got up and she pulled the covers back over my bed. I laughed and walked over to her and bent down.

"Hop on!"

She hoped on my back and we walked out of our room to find Emma and Harry already up sitting on the couch watching Spongebob drinking soda, at 8:30am. Even I wouldn't do that.

Zayn and Tiffany were sitting on the bar eating cereal and I figured Louis, Liam, and Stephanie were still sleeping.

"Hey!" Zayn said smiling once he saw we were awake.

"Hey!" I said helping Cam off my back. She walked over and sat next to Tiffany with a huge smile on her face.

I grabbed some bacon, eggs, toast, and pancake mix out of the fridge and started cooking it for Cameron. The smell must have already been spreading around the suite.

"Whatcha making Ni?" Stephanie said joined by a shirtless Liam.

I walked over behind Cam and put my arms around her waist, "just breakfast, none for you. Shoo!" I said pushing Liam away. He had joined us in the rather small kitchen.

Stephanie was sitting next to Emma and Harry laughing at some immature line from the cartoon.

I grabbed Cam's hand and pulled her up from her seat. I put my arms around her neck and gave her a quick kiss.

"Your so beautiful babe."

"Whatever, dork." She said pushing me against the cabinet putting her finger in my face, "I am not beautiful whatsoever and I don't appreciate you lying to me all the time Mr. Horan."

"Well, Mrs. Horan," I said pushing her back to the seat, "I don't lie, and you are gorgeous!"

"Did you just call me Mrs. Horan?"

"Yes ma'am."

I crashed my lips into hers and she was now smiling.

"Uhm..." Liam said bringing us back to real life, "can you guys take your Nicolas Sparks novel into the other room please?"

"Sorry" Cam mumbled as she buried her face into my chest.

"Step on." I grabbed her hands and helped her step on my feet.

We walked in to the living room with her still on my feet and sat down with the rest of the boys. She sat down on my lap while Louis was finally up talking to Eleanor on the phone.

"Niall, Zayn, when are you going to tell them?" Liam said motioning to us bring up something I knew no one wanted to talk about.

"Er, Cameron, can I talk to you for a minute?" I stood up grabbing her hand pulling her into our room.

"We need to talk."

"Okay, are you okay?" She said with a worried expression on her face.

"Well, I though maybe you'd already figured, but the boys' and I have to leave tonight, we have a concert tomorrow in North Dakota. I'm sorry, I didn't really know how to tell you."

"Oh ya..." Tears were starting to form in her eyes, it was killing me.

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine, I don't know why I didn't think about his, I'm just going to go."

"Wai-" But she was already out of the door, I ran after her but Liam stopped me.

"Just let her go mate, she needs time to think."

Tiffany said goodbye to Zayn and all of us and went to see how she was doing.

I knew she was going to be upset, but I couldn't leave not saying goodbye.

Text- To: Cameron!<33

Hi, I'm sorry, I know your upset and I feel like a jerk. We're getting ready to leave, and I hope we're okay. I just wanted to say that I hope this isn't goodbye. We can always SnapChat, FaceTime, Skype, text, and of course call. I'm sorry, I love you. Please come back for a minute?

-Niall xx

While I was waiting for her to text back I finished packing and was getting ready to walk out the door.

New Message- From: Cameron!<33

Hi... It's fine, I don't know what I was thinking, you couldn't just stay here forever. And you'll never be a jerk. I agree, I don't want this to be goodbye either; And we'll defiantly have too. I might, I don't know, probably, I'm not sure.

-Cam <3

"Niall," Liam said forcing me to look up from my phone, "we have to go."

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