Chapter 6- Unwanted Photos

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Cam's POV

The boys were getting closer and closer and Tiffany and I were more nervous with every footstep.

"Hey!" Tiffany and I sort of forced out as they walked through the door.

"Hi ladies!" Louis said walking in and giving both of us a sweaty hug.

"Thanks for that Lou." I said laughing and nudging him.

"Well, of course my dear."

"Your dear?" Niall piped in with a shocked expression as he realized what he had just said outloud.

"Don't get you panties in a wad. it's a joke." Louis said winking at Niall who was already blushing.

I was starting to wonder what was going on. Niall came over and sat down by me on the couch.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah, if you are!" I said feeling the butterflies begin to build up in my stomach all over again remembering we were going out to eat.

Zayn and Tiffany had already left with Paul, so Niall took us to the other SUV out one of the back entrances.

"See you guys later!" Niall shouted back at the boys.

"Bye Ni! Have fun!" Harry shouted back, which made Niall blush again.

We drove for about 20 minutes before we pulled up to a little café. The sign above the door read Crème Al Carte Pastries and Coffee. Niall pulled the SUV over and got out to open my door.

"Thanks kind sir." I said jokingly.

"Why of course Madam. I hope this place is okay, I tried to find somewhere quite and away for us."

"Ooh, yeah, this is perfect. It looks so..." I looked back up to the sign, "so cute." I said adding a smile.

Niall returned my smile and opened the door. The barista at the counter noticed Niall the moment we walked in.

"Erm, uh, uh, erm, Hi. What can I get-t for you?" She managed to stutter out while staring at Niall. I had to admit. I feel a little jealously bubbling up inside me.

But why? I had to remind myself that Niall and I were just friends? Are we even friends?

"Thanks, I'll take a Chocolate Dalmatian, 2 cinnamon rolls, and 4 crème puffs."

"And for you?" The barista said looking up from her notepad over to me.

"I'll take a mocha chocolate chip frappe. Thanks."

"Okay, your total will be $15.46. Cash or credit?"

"Cash," I said getting my money out before Niall grabbed my hand.

"No," Niall said looking into my eyes, "I'm paying. It was my idea to come here."

Niall gave the barista a $20 bill with her tip included. We walked over to one of the many empty booths.

"Here you guys go." She said turning Niall's cup around so I could only see something written on it that looked like a 5. She then handed me my drink and Niall his many snacks.

"Someone fancies Niall." I said looking from his cup to him when she walked away.

"Yeah," Niall said flipping the number inside-out, "Niall fancies someone already." He said looking into my deep brown eyes.

Zayn's POV

Tiffany was one mighty beautiful girl. She was one of those girls that you were just attracted to in everyway as soon as you saw her. She was so gorgeous. And I think I am really falling for her.

I was so nervous about this date I almost forgot I couldn't drive and had to ask Paul to take us. I didn't know if Niall had already asked him so I had to pray he didn't. When Paul said yes I felt like the happiest person in the world. And I think I am because I had a very important question to ask Tiff. It just couldn't be here. That gave me the perfect chance to ask her out again.

"Hey Tiff," I said grabbing her hand, "I am really beginning to like you, would you want to maybe go out again sometime soon? I mean I know I'm on tour and all and we just met; but you're so different from all the other girls."

"Oh my goodness! Of course!" She said eloping me in a huge hug.

Niall's POV

Cam was so amazing. She is everything I want in a girl- kind, smart, pretty, caring, compassionate, loving, and humble. I knew she cared I was a popstar, but she didn't treat me like it; that's one thing I loved.

"You ready to go?" I asked after eating my last crème puff. I shared 2 with Cameron so I didn't look like a complete pig.

"Sure, whenever you are." She said with a light smile.

We got up, thanked the barista for being nice, and headed back out to the SUV. As soon as we opened the door our faces were lit up with bright flashes of paparazzi. I snaked my arm around Cam's side to protect her and made a path for us to get to the car safely. Once in there everyone began hitting the windows wanting autographs and pictures.

"I'm so sorry." I said doing a mental face-palm.

"What," she looked up with fear in her eyes, "ooh, this, yeah, um, erm, it's fine. You can't do anything about it!"

I felt so bad so I just wanted to get out of there. I began driving the car through a path. Once we got back to the hotel I walked her to her room.

"Goodnight Cameron." I said kissing her on the cheek.

"Goodnight Niall James Horan." She said smiling. I think I could still see the scaredness in her eyes from the departure from the cafe.

As soon as she closed her door I went to my room to sit down. Right when my bum hit the chair my phone blew up. I unlocked it to see what was going on.


I began reading the passage.

Niall Horan (Seen here in this picture); Was spotted at a local café with a girl who's name remains unknown. Girlfriend? Long lost friend? Just a lucky fan? WHO KNOWS! But once we find more out, we'll be the first you hear from!!!

"Niall, are you okay?" Liam said coming over to me. I didn't even realize my teeth were gritted together.

"Ooh, I'm just dandy. Here, read this!"

I handed him my phone and all the boys read the article. They were just as mad as I was. I knew Cam had probably already fallen asleep, so I decided to wait until morning to talk to her about it.

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