Chapter 7- Let's Go to the Beach

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Cameron's POV


"What!" I yelled sitting up in my bed. Tiffany wouldn't stop bugging me.

"Someone's at the door, I think it's Niall."

"What makes you think its him?"

"Well," she said standing up from my bed, "he was saying your name and the voice sounded Irish, so...."

I got up and put my house shoes on. I hated walking barefoot on hotel floors, even 5 star hotel floors. Last night and today were Tiffany and I's last time being in the hotel.

I opened the door and was greeted with a rather cheerful Niall.

"Good morning Beautiful!" He said giving me a big hug.

I could smell his cologne and it was perfect. I hugged him back and said, "Good morning to you too handsome."

"Ewww, guys, I'm trying to sleep. Go be lovey dovey somewhere else please!"

"Tiffany, you wouldn't be saying that if it was Zayn at the door!"

Her face turned so red and she rolled over and pulled the blanket over her head.

"She," Niall said looking back at me, "likes Zayn?"

"Um, yeah, she does."

"Sweet, but can I borrow you for a second? We and the rest of the boys need to talk."

"Sure, but can I change first?"

"No, no time. You look fine Cam."

I hesitantly agreed and walked with Niall to his and the boy's room.

"Hey sleepy head!" All the boys yelled when I walked in.

"Hey losers." I said winking.

"Well," Louis said standing up, "you do know that you're about to start it with The Sass Masta from Doncaster if you don't hush your little cute mouth."

I looked over at Niall and he was blushing like crazy, "don't say she has cute mouth Lou."


Niall looked put on the spot, I don't know why. He was the one who brought it up.

"Because that should be me, saying stuff like that. Not you."

I was kind of put back he said that. He was acting like we were dating. We had only been out of one date. One date. If you'd call it that. And he didn't even ask me to go out on another one...

"So why did you want me to come over here?" I asked Niall breaking the awkwardness.

"Well, you know how there were all that paparazzi last night taking pictures of us?"

I thought about how displayed I felt and shuddered, "yeah... why?"

"Well, TMZ and some people on twitter think we're dating and want to find out more about you. I thought I'd tell you so when you go outside today and people are pounding you with questions you'd at least know why."

"Oh." I said sucking in a sharp breath and sitting down.

Niall could tell I was a little flustered. I hate having the 'spotlight' on me. When I was in 4th grade I had one sentence, keep in mind ONE SENTENCE, to say at our production of 'Little Red Riding Hood' and I threw up all over the front row. Needless to say, me plus attention like that equals disaster.

"So, what do you want me to tell people?" I asked lifting my head from my hands.

"That we're just friends and that you and I don't appreciate stories like that being spread without our consent."

"Okay. So what are you all doing today?" I asked trying to get my mind off the attention throwing up thing.

"We were actually going to see if you and Tiffany wanted to come to the beach with us? We have a little spot rented out, so you guys don't have to worry about paparazzi." Zayn said smiling. He was probably thinking about Tiffany. They are completely hitting it off.

"Sure, I'd love to. Just let me go over and talk to Tiff. What time would we go?"

"Hm, how does 12:30 sound? We can have a little picnic too?"

"Perfect! We'll be over here at 12 then?"

"Okay!" Zayn said smiling and looking back down at his iPhone.

I walked back to Tiffany and I's suite after saying goodbye to the boys. I knew Tiffany would say yes about the beach so I was so excited!

Niall's POV

"Zayn, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Of course lad, what's up?" He said sitting down next to me on the couch.

The other boys had gone out to get the stuff for our beach picnic and I wanted to talk to Zayn about asking the girls to be our girlfriends.

"Are you planning on asking Tiffany anytime soon to be your, uh, you know... girlfriend?"

I knew it was soon. But I can't describe the way she made me felt. A feeling like that should be held tightly.

"I've thought about it. But today will only be our second date, so I'm not sure. Why? Are you thinking about asking her?"

"Yeah. But I just feel like I've know her for longer then I have. I don't know why, I just do."

"Maybe your in loveeeee. Ha! But I know what you mean. If you really truly like her ask her out."

"I don't know though!"

"Okay. So, if I ask Tiffany to be my girlfriend will you ask Cam to be yours too?"

"You'd do that for me?"

"Of course Niall. I really like Tiff and if I don't do it know, I don't know when I will get the chance to even see her again."

"Thanks, so much. You're just like a brother to me. I appreciate it!"

"No problem!"

Right as he said that Harry, Louis, and Liam walked in with a bunch of food.

"We're back!" Louis said jumping onto my bed like a little kid.

"Do you guys mind if I bring Eleanor? She's in town for a fashion convention?"

"Of course!"

"If Eleanor can come, can me and Harry bring our girls? They do live her you know, and we haven't been able to see them?" Liam asked.

"I don't care!" I said.

"I'm for it too!" Zayn agreed.

"Good, did you hear that Harry, our girls get to come!"

"Awesome, I'll text them!"

I was super excited now. I had to think of something perfect for the time I ask Cam to be my girlfriend. I was so happy they would have some other girls to hang out with at the beach, other then all of us boys.

I literally couldn't wait... I wonder what they're doing.


Love you all! Thanks for 300 reads! xx

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