Chapter 19: "Are we there yet?"

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Chapter 19:

Cam's POV

"You almost ready? Zayn just texted, they're putting Tiffany's stuff in the car then coming over."

"Ooh, yup. Let me get a couple more shoes." I said walking into my closet. I grabbed some heels, Converse, sandals, and boots. (An/ Some of the things she packed in picture on side)

"Are you going to the UK now?" Niall said taking a few pairs from me lying them on the bed.

"Well, no." I answered him with a light laugh, "But you never know. It's better to overpack then not have enough." I said laughing.

"Well, if that's it, then are you ready?" Niall said standing up next to me. He put his arms around my waist pulling me closer looking into my eyes.

"More then ever. I'm beyond excited!" I said looking deep into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Good." He said crashing our lips together. Our lips moved in sync as I put my arms around his shoulders. It felt as if we were the only people in the whole world. It reminded me what I would have missed if I couldn't come with him.

"Uhem." My mom said walking into my doorway causing Niall and I to jump and look at each other with embarrassed faces, "Zayn and Tiffany just pulled up. Do you want me to send them up?"

"No mom, um, we'll be right down." I said walking over to my bed picking up a suit case.

My mom walked out and Niall turned around doing his silent laugh.

"Oh Niall." I said joining him. We were now both laughing uncontrollably.

"Come on babe." He said picking up my other bag and interlacing our fingers together after he lightly smacked my butt. I think he was just as taken back my the action as I was.

I followed him down the steps with my other white suitcase in my hand.

"Hey!" Tiffany said next to Zayn, "can you believe it, a week ago we were just two girls having a birthday party- now we're going on tour with One Direction!" She shouted happily.

"I know, it's crazy. I can't believe how much has happened in a week!" I smiled back.

"Time flies, so will the tour. It'll go by so fast. But then we have Europe. So you guys ready to start the fun?" Zayn said putting his arm around Tiffany's shoulder. They were so cute.

"Yeah, I think we are." I said setting my bag down and walking over to my mom, "I'll call you as soon as we get there. Thanks mom, it means a lot. I love you so so much. Thank you."

"Your welcome, dear. I called school, and you diploma is in the mail. Have fun and stay safe. Love you too." She said with teary eyes.

"No, mom, don't do this to me." I said with a fear tears filling my eyes as well.

"I'm fine. Have fun. Bye dear, love you." She picked up my bag and started for the front door.

We all followed my mom outside were a large black SUV was waiting.

"Well, bye dear. Love you so much."

"Love you too mom." I said taking my bag and getting in the SUV. Niall was driving since Zayn can't. I was sitting in the passenger's side while Zayn and Tiffany were in the back.

"To Kansas we go."


Niall's POV

"Are we there yet?" Tiffany wined from the back seat. Cameron was driving with a focused look on her face. She kept looking up at the GPS then back at the road.

"Tiffany. I'm going to open the door and push out if you don't shut up." Cameron said with a less then amused face, "please stop complaining. Just go to sleep or something. Play a game on your phone for goodness sakes."

"Well... and I can't. My phone's dead."

"That sucks."

"Why are you being so rude?" Tiffany asked staring at Cameron.

"I'm sorry," Cameron said looking in the rear-view mirror, "I'm just tired, that's all."

"Do you want me to drive?" I asked starting to unbuckle.

"Yeah, if you don't mind." Cam said looking relieved. She pulled the car over onto the shoulder to let us switch, "thanks," she said as we passed each other by the front of the car.

"No problem babe."

I got into the driver seat and fixed the steering wheel. Cameron was about 5 inches shorter than me so she had to have the wheel down farther then I did. I looked up at the GPS monitor.

"Only 100 more miles."

"Good. I'll call Liam and let him know." Tiffany said smiling.

The sun was beginning to set and there weren't many cars out.


Stephanie (Liam's girlfriend)'s POV

"When did they say they would be here?" I said pulling on a hang nail.

"In about an hour or so. Tiffany called me about 25 minutes ago." Liam said joining me on the couch.

"Ooh, okay." I laying my head on his chest, "what time tomorrow is you concert tomorrow?"

"7:30, at the Sprint Center."

"Ooh, that's cool. Isn't Cameron from this state?"

"Hm, I don't know."


New Message from- Cam!(:

-Hey broskee (: We just pulled into the back of the venue. See you guys soon! Xx

Write New Message-

-Sweet! They boys' and I can't wait to see you guys! <3

"They're here guys!" I said standing up happily.

"YESSSSS!" Louis scream jumping up.

We walked to the back door of the arena that only we were allowed to enter.

"Let me out!" Louis said grabbing Eleanor's hand, "they haven't meet her yet!"

"Slow down Lou!" Eleanor said laughing.

"Guys, I see them!" Louis said looking back at us, "HI GUYSSS!" He screamed across the parking lot.

"HIIIIII!" I heard echo through lot.

I walked outside hand-in-hand with Liam.


Update tomorrow :)

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