Chapter 22: Pass

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Ch. 22

Harry's POV

"Harry.... HELLO?" I heard Niall say before a waving hand brought me back to reality.

"Sorry mate."

"Are you still texting her?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yes, stop laughing." I said joining the laughter.

I got Kaylee's number after I met her at the meet-and-greet last night. Something about her was so intriguing. Her deep brown eyes, her personality. I wanted to get to know her better. Maybe she could help me get over Emma. I mean, I know we didn't break up that long ago, but I really liked her. It wasn't like normal when I would hook up with someone to feel better and boost my ego. It was different.


-Harry, I'm so sorry for everything. Please forgive me? Please? Xx

'Right on cue.' I thought.

Cam's POV

I could tell Harry really did like this girl, "Harry," I said smiling, "why don't you invite her to the concert tomorrow?"

"Errr, to soon isn't it?"

"No, its not, that's a good way to get to know her."

"Okay, I will."

"Good it'll be fin-"


"Hey mom." I said answering the phone.

"Hunny," All I heard was sobbing.

"Mom? Are you all right? What's wrong?!" I said beginning to panic.

"Hunny, it's your grandma. She's...She's, she's gone."

"What?" I said feeling the tears fall down my face.

"I'm so sorry sweetie." I could hear my moms sobs in-between mine.

"Mom, I'll be home tomorrow."

"Okay, dear, I'll talk to you later," she was still crying, "I love you. Very much."

"I love you too mom, goodbye." As soon as I hung up I began bawling. Niall came over and started rubbing my back.

"What's a matter?" He asked with a concerned look.

"My grandma, she passed away." I said locking my teary eyes with his light blue ones.

"Princess, I'm...I'm so sorry." He said wrapping his arms around me, giving me a big hug, "I love you."

"I love you too Niall. I need to go, I need to be there for my family. I need to go tonight."

"Okay, anything, but... um, well."

"What is it?"

"I'll be coming with you. You can leave before me, tomorrow's the last concert here in America, so I'll meet you in California as soon as the concert's done. Yes?"

"Yes." I said nodding as I used the end of my sleeve to wipe away a tear.

"Hey Princess, it'll be okay. She's in a better place," he said putting his arm around me pulling me close to him, "But, babe, I have to go back to London, and you said you would come with me. I know your grandma's more important, that's not what I mean, but what are you gonna do?" He said with a tired, caring look across his face.

"Well, I can always come up to London in a week or so? After I get over the loss."

"Of course. That sounds good. Okay, now let's get you packed and off to California. You need to be there."

~ How is NAMERON gonna be when he goes to London?! can't wait for the next few chatpers! This story is almost over :( Dedicate to Kaylee! Hope you're all as excited as I am for the end of this book! MAYBE a sequal I don't know yet. I'm collabing with the wattpad user this chapter is dedicated to for her new book, so I don't know for sure yet. Would anyone WANT a sequal? i dont know... :O Anywhoo, Hope you liked the chapter!

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