Chapter 15: Attacks

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Chapter 15:


Niall's POV

I couldn't answer him because my eyes were filling with tears and all I could focus on was the heart defibulator the nurse was using to try and bring back Cameron.

I turned around and slid down on the wall putting my head in my knees. I heard the door open. I stood up looking at the nurse.

"I'm....I'm sorry..."

I already started crying more. I knew, I just knew it...

Niall's POV (present)

"Is...Is she gone?" I said trying to talk between sobs.


"What?" I said looking back at her.

"Yes, she's still here, the nurses saved her, but I need to talk to you; This way please."

The nurse turned around and I followed her. She stopped and sat down with heavy eyes, tired eyes.

"Like I said she's not gone. However, she did receive quite a bit of brain damage from the tragedy. We tried to get as much oxygen to her brain after her heart stopped, but we weren't as fast as we hoped. She lost about 4% of her memory. Probably little things, details, places, times, years. Things like that. She'll remember birthdays, names, some events. It's just we can't be for sure."

"Ooh. Thanks for letting me know. Have you guys gotten a hold of her mum yet?" I said sitting down next to the nurse.

"Yes, she's on her way. She was a little bit of a mess about it. She was out of town when we called."

"Well, of course, her daughter almost died." I said a little more harshly then I planned.

"Yes, without a doubt," the nurse stood up, "well, I have to get back to work. The doctor said Cameron could be up from her coma sometime today. If we're lucky. Maybe the attack woke up her senses a little bit. So good luck!" She stood up and patted my shoulder.

"Thank you. For everything." I said standing up next to nurse.


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