Chapter 13: Same Vitals

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Chapter 13:

Niall's POV

We'd been in the hospital for 3 ½ hours now. We were supposed to be in North Dakota an hour ago, so we cancelled the concert And put it off until tomorrow night. Liam told me that Emma and Stephanie were coming and I was glad they liked the girls. Zayn went to the cafeteria with Tiffany since she was up and moving around now. It was just me and Cameron in the room at this point.

I was sitting down holding her hand with my head resting on the side of her bed. I just wanted some assurance that'd she be fine, but no one knew for sure. I was so bored, and I remember someone telling me people in coma's can hear. I lifted my head and started humming the tune for 'Little Things'.

My light humming quickly turned into me silently singing my part, "You never love yourself half as much as I love you," I noticed Cameron's eyes fluttering so I started singing a little louder, "You'll never treat yourself right darling but I want you to," I don't know if I was imagining it, but I thought I saw her smile, so I continued, "if I let you know, I'm here for you, maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh."

My eyes were locked on Cam. Her eyes were fluttering as I finished the last line.

"Cameron, I love you." I kissed her cheek, "I don't know if you can hear me, or if you even know what's going on, but you'll be okay, I'm here. I love you so much... Please.." I started crying, "please just wake up and let me know you're going to be okay."

Cam's POV

Everything was black. Like I was in a room with no windows, no light. I could hear Niall sniffling, and feel his hand intertwined with mine. I heard him singing, and I tried telling him how beautiful his voice was, but nothing moved. My lips were like weights. I couldn't lift them, I couldn't even lift a finger. I tried to find all the energy within me, still nothing.

All I wanted to do was to hold Niall, tell him Im fine, that I was okay. But how was I supposed to do that if I couldn't even open my eyes. My tongue felt like it was 2 tons just sitting there.

I wanted to cry... but I couldn't even do that.

Steph's POV

We arrived at the hospital and Emma and I got out of my blue Cadillac. We walked into the entrance and there sat Liam, Harry, and Louis.

"Hi, how are they?" I asked. I must have startled them because Liam jumped, causing everyone to.

"Hi babe, Tiffany's up and walking around with Zayn. Last time we got in update Cam was still in a coma, same vitals, no change." Liam said standing up giving me a hug.

"Ooh, how's Niall?"

"Eeh, he's doing okay. You can go in there, its just him and Cam now."

"Okay, thanks." I looked over and Emma was sitting my Harry talking and holding hands. I pressed the button to let me back to where Cameron's room was. I looked for the room number Liam told.

"Ma'am, may I help you?" A women with brown hair said sitting at the desk.

"Room 312 please?"

"Right over there." She said pointing to a room in the far corner. I walked over and heard Niall talking.

"please just wake up and let me know you're going to be okay." I barely heard him say through the door, it was so sad. I lightly knocked.

"Come in."

I walked in and Niall was holding on to her hand. He wiped away the tears from his eyes, "oh, Hi Stephanie."

"Hi Niall," I said sitting down next to him, "how are you?"

"I'm okay."

"No you're not, how are you? Really..."

He didn't answer me, he just started crying. Not like a stubbed toe cry, or a headache cry, but like he lost something that meant the world to him. Like everything he knew was gone. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug cooing him like a little baby. He was so heart broken.

"I.. I just, I want her to wake up."

"Me too Niall, we all do."

Liam walked in and half smiled, "Steph, can I talk to him for a second?"

"Of course." I stood up and patted Niall on the back walking out.

Niall's POV

"Niall, we promised our fans a concert tonight. We changed it to tomorrow night, we can't put it off another day. I talked to Simon and Paul, and they said that you and Zayn can stay here. The concert won't be the same, it'll will even most likely suck, but at least there will be one."

"Okay." I said making eye contact with Liam, "when do you leave?"

"In about 15 minutes..."

"Oh, okay."

"I love you bro." Liam said giving me a hug.

"You too, thanks for being there for me!"

"Of course. Are you going to come say bye to the rest of the guys?"

"Yeah. I'll be right back Cameron. I love you." I gave her a quick kiss and went to the front of the hospital with Liam. I gave all the guys hugs and told them that I'd see them soon.

"We'll be back here first thing after the concert if nothing's changed!" Louis said giving me a hug, "we won't have to though, she'll be fine." He said trying to be positive by correcting himself.

"Thanks man."

"Yup. See you soon. Bye."

"Bye Nialler." Louis ruffled my hair and grabbed his things and followed Liam and Harry out the door.

"Bye Niall, bye Zayn!" They all said there last goodbyes as they walked out of the hospital.

"Well, I'm going to bed Zayn, night."

"Night, we'll be in there in a little bit." Zayn said grabbing Tiffany's hand.

I walked back into our room and layed down next to Cameron holding her hand. I quietly sang 'Waiting Room' in her ear by Johnny Diaz, one of her favorite artists. I swear I saw her smile, but I was so tired, I don't even know. I was too distracted by my thoughts.

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