Chapter 11: Accident

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Chapter 11:

Cam's POV

"Cameron, come on." Tiffany said urging me to go.

"No." I said harshly.

"You know you want to say goodbye. You're not going to be able to see him for a while, just come with me."

"Tiffany, stop. I just can't say goodbye."

"You're not saying goodbye. It's not like your breaking up, or that you'll never see him again, he's just going away for awhile. At least come with me so you can say bye to the rest of the guys. I know Niall really wants to say bye. He's texted me like 20 times for me to convince you. Please."



"Fine." I said standing up, "are you happy? Lets go." I grabbed my bag and headed for the door of my house. Tiffany looked pleased as she followed me.

"Thank you." She said smiling.

"Whatever." I said walking to my car and putting the key into the ignition.

Niall's POV

The boys and I were going around the suite making sure we had everything when I got a text.

New Message: Tiffany

I unlocked my phone, hoping for good news.

- Cameron and I are on our way! It wasn't easy but we are coming, and she might not be to hostile. You better love me! Thanks for being good to my best friend. See you soon!

I smiled down at my phone.

To: Tiffany

-Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means that I get to say goodbye. See you soon!

I pressed send and locked my phone.

"Niall, do you have everything?" Liam asked me, "we have to go now to be there on time tonight, leggo!"


"I don't think they're coming mate."

"No, they are, Tiffany said they were."

"What about Tiff?" Zayn said joining us in my room.

"They're on there their way."

"Ooh yeah, they are Liam!" Zayn said backing me up.

We waited, and waited and waited. 10 minutes passed, then 25, then 30.

"Niall, we have to go." Liam pressed on tapping his shoe.

"Please, they'll be here soon."

"If they're not here in 5 minutes, I'm sorry mate, but we'll have to go." Liam said patting my shoulder going to sit on the couch with the other boys. Stephanie and Emma were already here, and we were all waiting now.

Zayn was sitting on the couch with us when his phone went off.

"Its Tiffany." He said sliding the answer button.


"Oh my God? What the hell happened? Where are you? Are you guys okay?!" Zayn was quiet for a moment before continuing, "Okay, we'll be there soon!"

"Zayn!" I screamed, "what happened?"

"Niall, we have to go. Cameron's hurt."

I shot up and ran out the door with Zayn following behind me.

"Where are they?" I asked, "Zayn!" I screamed, "where. Are. they?"

"Saint Francis Memorial Hospital, it was the closest to them."

I put the address in my GPS and drove there. It was about a 15 minute drive full if pure agony. What was this girl that I just met doing to me?!

"Come on!" I said still freaking out as I pulled into a parking garage and bolting out of the car.

We walked into the emergency entrance up to the front desk.

"Cameron and Tiffany? Where are they?" Zayn said beginning to shake, I knew the realization that our girlfriends were hurt finally hit him.

"Sir, please calm down, I should only be saying this is you're initiate family but they're being treated, one of them is in critical condition. I'm sorry, but unfortunately that's all I know." The women behind the desk told is as she shuffled her papers and answered the phone ringing in we desk.

Zayn and I made eye contact and tears were beginning to fill his eyes.

Cameron's POV (previous to Zayns phone call)

Tiffany and I were rather silent, listening to the quite music coming from the radio. The roads weren't empty, but they weren't like rush hour. I was distracted playing scenarios over and over in my head of what it will be like not seeing Niall.

Next thing I knew I was running a red light. I heard a loud honk and I felt like I was flying. The car flew and I heard Tiffany scream. My vision went black.

The next thing I knew I could hear someone crying, and talking on the phone, it was Tiffany. I couldn't tell how much time had passed but I heard sirens and felt someone pick me up and lay me down on what felt like a bed. I heard Tiffany tell someone that I was hurt and to come quick.

What happened to me?

I felt someone lift me into a vehicle and more cries from Tiffany.

Niall's POV

We were in the waiting room and a nurse came out telling us what had happened.

"They were in an accident, Tiffany was not badly injured, just a broken rib, and a fractured bone in her arm. Cameron, on the other hand, is badly injured. She is in a light coma with a concussion. She has bleeding on her brain, but it doesn't look like it will cause many problems, which is good. She may be in a coma for a few days, and we will continue to treat her till we feel necessary. Do you have the number to her immediate family?"

"No," I began saying while tears filled my eyes, "Tiffany should though."

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