- im sorry

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Hi, the last update you just read may of seemed a little half finished, because yes it was. It was the last draft I had of the story from January this year, as I haven't actually had the motivation nor the time to sit down and write anymore.

Despite not wanting to, as I did desperately want to finish this story as I had huge plans for it and loved how much everyone else was enjoying it, I simply cannot commit to it anymore.

As some of you know, I started writing this back in 2019 when I was still a teenager. Of course the pandemic then hit and I had an abundance of time to "waste" on fanfic writing, however quickly enough things had to change and I am now working full time again with little to no time for this. Not to mention, I no longer desire writing fan fiction like I did in my teens. In other words, I grew up.

Thank you so much for enjoying this book up until now and I sincerely apologise for not finishing it.

I hope you all stay safe with the on going situation, take care.

Your author,

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