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As night falls on the Bayou, Lunar watches on from the front porch of her old home as Oliver stands in the middle of their pack. The bonfire burns, sending sparks up into the black sky.

"They are counting on our doubts. That's right! Yeah!" Ollie shouts, and the rest of the wolves cheer him on. Lunar feels sick, as she watches on realising what's happening. What he's done. "They are counting on our fears! That's right!"

Elijah steps out of the shack and joins Lunar, silently watching on. Lunar turns to look at him. "Ollie was the one who orchestrated the attack." She tells him.

"We are not afraid!" Oliver shouts.

"He's making them believe it was vampires. He's-" Lunar starts, but Elijah cuts her off.

"He's making a move for power in the wake of tragedy. He's not alone." Elijah finally looks at her now. "Your friend Jackson will need your help. They will want vengeance. Blood for blood, and, unfortunately, in troubled times, people do not look for the best. But rather the loudest."

They both turn to watch as Oliver continues to shout, riling up the rest of the wolves as he does so.

"I can be far louder than him, 'Lijah." Lunar half smiles now, resting against the wooden porch slightly.

- The Cauldron -

Klaus has left Cami to say goodbye to her uncle, as like expected the priest is not going to go forwards with transitioning into a vampire.

"I'm surprised to see you here." Genevieve looks at him.

"The Bayou explosion, the attack on my child. Tell me what you know." Klaus asks her, stepping towards the witch now.

"I know the wolves have no shortage of enemies. Marcel, for one." Genevieve smirks.

"Marcel would not stoop so low. Besides, Lunar has already discovered the culprit." Klaus moves closer, whispering now. "Francesca Correra. Lunar payed her a visit this morning, but it seems our human has a witch on her side."

"You don't think I was involved in any of this? What kind of monster do you take me for? How ugly I must seem next to the pure, innocent glow of precious Cami. Tell me, how long is it until you grow tired of Lunar's cruelty." Genevieve sneers, smirking.

Klaus pushes the witch against the wall harshly. "If I find out you've lied to me, I will end you." He lowers his voice to sinister whisper, almost growling.

Genevieve just laughs at the threat. "So sad about Cami's uncle, by the way." She says.

"Kieran is in transition. He has been released from the hex." Klaus informs her.

"A hex of that magnitude? Kieran's hex will return.. if it hasn't already." Genevieve tells him, a small smile growing on her lips as she watches him step back now, fear growing in his eyes.

- St Anne's Church -

Father Kieran's hex as returned as Genevieve said, and as Cami waits for her uncle to die in the church below the attic, he descends down the stairs to join her.

Cami turns, looking at her uncle stood in the doorway. "Have you changed your mind?" She asks.

"Yes. It appears I have." Kieran replies, his features sinister as he stalks forwards, pulling out a knife. Cami tries to runaway, but her uncle slices the knife across her arm.

He chases Cami up to the balcony above the pews. There is nowhere else for the blonde to run, she clings to the railings of the balcony, watching on in horror as Kieran licks her blood off the knife therefore completing his transition into a vampire. Veins protrude beneath his eyes, fangs bearing as he continues to hunt Cami down.

𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑿𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑫 - 𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now