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"You forget yourself. You're not as powerful as you once were, Harvest girl." Klaus taunts Davina. Their still in the courtyard at the Mikaelson compound, facing off.

Davina smirks. "Doesn't mean I cant still kick your ass!" She thrusts her hand at him, telekinetically throwing Klaus through a set of doors.

The doors break and glass shatters everywhere from the impact. Confidently, Davina strides over to where Klaus has landed, but when she gets there he's nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, Klaus vamp-speeds over to her and throws the witch down the hall. Davina screams as she flies backwards into a wall, hitting her head. Her forehead starts to bleed, but she isn't knocked unconscious.

She rolls, before heaving herself to her feet.

"Such hubris! And from one who bleeds so easily." Klaus taunts.

"You talk such a big game, but you couldn't even kill Mikael when you had the chance!" Davina shoots back, laughing darkly. "He was right about you, you know? You're weak."

Klaus looses his temper now, vamp-speeding over to her once more. He grabs the witch by the hair, pulling her head back so her neck is exposed, he bites into it and starts to feed on her. Davina screams, but after a moment or two Nik suddenly pulls away, choking and gasping before eventually falling unconscious.

Davina looks at him, smirking and feeling triumphant. Suddenly, there's the sound of footsteps behind her.

Kol has somehow managed to free himself of his manacles, and is rubbing his sore wrists as he approaches Davina. "It's impressive. What exactly did you do to him?" He asks her.

"I channeled dark objects through my blood to poison him." Davina explains, before noticing Kol is no longer shackled. "How did you get free?"

"Oh, it's a long story. Better question is, if he's not dead, then what are you gonna do when he recovers?" Kol questions.

"We have an hour, maybe less. Enough time to chain him, bleed him, dump him in the river." She replies.

"That's a bit harsh, isn't it?" Kol is a little surprised at her plan.

"Since when do you care what happens to Klaus?" Davina retorts.

Kol doesn't get chance to answer, because Marcel suddenly gasps, awakening and rubbing his neck.

"Kol is with us now. We're going to be going up against Esther, assuming Klaus is upright." Marcel tells Davina, rising to his feet.

Davina looks at Kol, eyes filled with confusion and betrayal.

"Look, Nik is a pain in the ass, but, well.. she's a problem for us all." Kol shrugs.

"Klaus is the problem! I don't give a damn what happens to Esther." Davina shoots back, angry.

"Yeah, well, I sure do." Cami says from behind them, entering the courtyard. She notices Klaus' unconscious body. "Should I even ask?"

Marcel only shrugs and rolls his eyes in Davina's direction.

"Cami, you should go. It's not safe." Davina tells the human.

𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑿𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑫 - 𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora