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Lunar surveys the scene in the Abattoir courtyard. The vampires Klaus had slaughtered were now covered in shrouds.

Diego and a few of Marcel's remaining vampire's have gathered, pouring bottles of alcohol over the dead bodies. Lunar looks up, seeing Marcel who looks down at the dead.

His intense gaze meets her own and she looks away, quickly turning and running her hands over the old stone walls. There's an M engraved into one, and Lunar takes a moment to admire it. It's half crumbling, and as she reaches out to touch the engraving she's almost afraid it'll fall away completely.


"Looking at what you've wrought?" Klaus joins Marcel on the balcony, he too looks down at the dead bodies; spotting Lunar admiring the family crest.

"Look, if you're gonna kill me let's get this over with." Marcel says, not bothered for small talk.

"Why would I kill you?" Klaus questions. "You picked up the coin. There are rules of engagement in battle, Marcel. Without them, you'd have anarchy. I would, however, like to talk about accommodations. Your living quarters, for example. I believe they used to be mine." Klaus turns to face his old friend.

"You own this, fine. It's yours. You can put me back on the street for all I care. But let's make one thing clear, you will never have this; loyalty. You can't buy it, you can't own it, you can't force it. It comes only out of love and respect for the people who believe in you." Marcel tells Klaus, he returns his gaze for a moment to the courtyard below. The werewolf is watching them again.

"Your girl might be loyal, for now, but it won't last. You taught me many things, Niklaus Mikaelson, but this I learned myself. And it is something that you will never know. Enjoy your kingdom." Marcel leaves.

Klaus watches as Diego drops a lighter on the corpses, engulfing them in flames. He's reeling over Marcel's words, possibly because deep down he knows Marcel is right.

Lunar still stands there, looking up at him. He can't decipher the look in her eyes, but he's sure it's a mixture of expectancy and hope. Klaus steps away from the balcony edge, retreating out of view. He cannot be what Lunar wants, not right now.

Her loyalty is too much. Her loyalty isn't forced, and it's unwavering. It's a feeling Klaus as never felt before, he's not quite sure how to handle it.

Lunar sighs, watching as Klaus leaves. She finally tears her gaze from the balcony; wondering what Marcel had said to him. She's about to head up the steps, find Klaus and talk to him, when footsteps behind her make her turn around.

"Elijah!" Lunar exclaims, a smile spreading across her face as she looks at the Original. "Your fever broke?"

He nods. "I'm guessing you found my brother?" He looks behind her at the flames and corpses.

Lunar turns her head, too, for a moment. "It's a..long story." She says with a shrug. "Now, I said I wanted all the juicy details on Celeste when you felt better." She grins, smirking. "Come on, spill."

A small laugh escapes her lips, and Elijah refrains from laughing with her. It's like the sound of music, or birds singing on a spring morning. Despite all her darkness, there's a light about her.

"That's not important." He insists.

"Don't make me torture it out of you, 'Lijah." Lunar grins, a sing-song undertone to her voice.

Elijah looks at her for a moment and sighs, conceding defeat. "It was a cruel and bloody time to be a witch. Courtesy of my wonderful brother."

"She died because of Klaus?" Lunar asks, although she can't say this is all too surprising news to her.

𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑿𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑫 - 𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now