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Aiden is waiting for Finn by the alleyway outside the church, ready to lead the Mikaelson into they're trap.

"I staked it out. It looks like a couple of Oliver's friends wanting to avenge his death." Aiden explains to Finn.

"Where's Cami?" Finn asks.

"She's, uh, she's tied up near the altar. Hey, you bee-line for her, I'll handle the rest of them, alright?" Aiden suggests.

"Aiden? Your brother was among the recruits that Oliver rescued, was he not?" Finn says now. Aiden gapes at him, unable to find the words to defend himself.

Suddenly, Finn looses his patience and telekinetically throws him through the large church doors. Aiden slides down the aisle, slamming into one of the pews and being knocked unconscious.

Josh, startled at what's happened, is unable to stop himself. He vamp-speeds to Aiden, needing to know if he's ok. Unaware, at first, that Finn is marching down the aisle towards them.

The young vampire freezes in fear at the sight of Finn, who raises his arms out to the side in the signature Mikaelson pose and uses magic to set all the candles in St Anne's alight.

Standing defensively, Josh is ready for a fight, but Finn merely flicks his wrist and snaps the vampire's neck with telekinesis. He falls to the ground, unconscious, besides Aiden.

"Camille! Camille!" Finn shouts now, continuing to walk down the aisle.

There's a whoosh sound behind him as Lunar appears, she lands a hefty blow to the un-expecting witch and he falls to the ground, crawling away from the brunette.

"I'm sure you know how this goes." Lunar sneers, eyes glowing amber as her face vamps out. "I might not be able to kill you, but I'm sure as hell going to make you suffer until you're praying for death. And, then, I'm going to get my pack back."

Finn laughs weakly. "Your pack? Last I checked, your pack was blindly following me."

"You wanna talk about following? How do your mother's boots taste?" Lunar hisses back, lifting a leg and kicking Finn in the face, splitting his lip.

The arrogant Mikaelson continues to laugh. "What have you done with Cami?" He questions.

Lunar shrugs, smirking. "She'll be ok. Providing you cooperate."

Angrily, Finn rises to his feet and telekinetically throws Lunar down the aisle.

"Hybrids die by losing their head or their heart. And, given the choice, I'm going to take the organ that got you into this mess in the first place." Finn begins to chant now, using magic to grab Lunar's heart.

Spluttering, Lunar begins to cough up blood, unable to stop the yell escaping from her mouth as she grasps at her chest. She remembers this, from when they faced off Mikael. Finn is trying to rip her heart out.

She tries to fight it, but how does one fight magic that strong? A blooded stain appears on her shirt now, as Finn almost succeeds, until suddenly, an arrow comes piercing through the air having been fired from the balcony above the pews.

It slices through Finn's shoulder, causing the witch to scream out in pain. Turning, he looks up to find the attacker is a younger version of the woman before him.

Hayley grins, holding Ansel's bow and arrow in her hands as she looks down at her mother and Finn. She jumps down off the balcony, landing on her feet like a cat, before firing another arrow into Finn's thigh.

𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑿𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑫 - 𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now