A New Generation is Born

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Thank you all for the support. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

It's just in Upper East Siders a new generation has been born. Our very own E, has become a mother. This baby will inherit riches, beauty, and its parent's tendency for scandal. Has E gifted us with an Upper East Side Prince or Princess?  Thanks, E, for giving us the next generation. I can't wait to share their dirty little secrets.

XOXO Gossip Girl

Ella's POV

I slowly open my eyes, hearing my baby-making noises. I look around, and I see Chuck rocking her in his arms. "Look, your mama's awake." He waves to me, and I smile.

"When did you get here?"

"As I am the only blood relative and you're emergency contact, they only let me in until you woke up." He explains. "I came as soon as Nathanial called." He smiles as he continues to hold her.

"She's beautiful." I say.

"Just like her mother."

"I was worried I wouldn't see you for a while." I admit to him.

"I was gone...but I came back for you. I can't stay."

"You can't run from everything forever, Chuck."

"Yes, I can." Chuck gets up and places my baby in my arms. He leans down and kisses the top of my head. "I love you, Ella. I'm so proud of you and..." He briefly looks at my daughter. "You're going to be an amazing mother." I feel like a piece of me is ripped out of my heart when he leaves the room. I hold my daughter tighter as she begins to cry.

"It's okay, baby girl. Uncle Chuck will come back, and you will get to know how amazing he is." I kiss the top of her head.

"Ella." My nurse David knocks on my door. "How are you feeling?"

"Better knowing my baby is here and healthy." I reply.

"Would you like me to bring up your guests?"

"Nate and Arthur?" David nods his head. "Yes, please. I would love them to meet her."

"I will bring them right up." I hold onto my daughter's tiny hand and kiss it.

"You are going to be so loved, angel."

"Ella." I look up and smile at Nate and Arthur.

"Come meet my daughter." I tell them, and they enter the room.

"May I?" Arthur asks.

"Of course." I pass my daughter over to Arthur, who is in awe holding her.

"She is precious, Miss. Ella."

"I love her so much, and I've only known her a few hours." I admit.

"She has a great mother." Nate leans over and kisses the side of my head.

"Did you call Carter?" I ask him, and he stiffens.

"As much as it pained me to do so, I did. He should be here any second. He was overseas when I called him." Nate explains.

"Did he sound happy?"

"I mean, I don't know Carter that well to know if he was happy."


"Don't worry, E; he is thrilled to meet his daughter." Nate assures me.

"She is lovely, Miss. Ella." Arthur tells me. My daughter hasn't let go of his finer since she was placed in his arms.

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