Peace or War

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I'm glad so many of you are enjoying my most recent updates. Rewriting Ella's story is refreshing to me and it reminds me how much I enjoy rewatching Gossip Girl.

Ella's POV

"Are you sure you can't stay the night?" Colin asks me as we cuddle with each other in the back seat.

"I wish I could, but Jenny is leaving tonight, and I want to say goodbye. It's going to be a while before she comes back to the city." I explain.

"I'll have a hard time sleeping tonight." Colin tells me.

"I think you can make it one night." I look up at him, and I feel so at peace. He leans down and kisses me.

"When you have a free moment, I would like to get to know Palmer more."

"Really?" I ask him in shock.

"It's only right since I'm madly in love with her mother."

"You don't know how much that means to me to..." I'm a crying mess now.

"I didn't mean to upset you." Colin is worried that he caused me to cry, but I wave off his concern.

"I'm...I'm crying because I'm happy." I clarify.


"I've waited a long time for someone to love me the way you have, and...for you to want to spend time with my means the world to me. Most of the time, guys don't give me a chance because I was a teen mom..."

"And look at the life you've made for not only yourself but your daughter. Any man would be lucky to be loved by you, but too bad for them because that honor is all mine." Colin exclaims.

"How does Saturday tea at the Plaza?" I offer. "It's Palmer's favorite place."

"I will be looking forward to it." Arthur comes to a stop, and I know it's time to say goodbye to Colin. He leans forward and gives me one more kiss. "Let me know that you made it home safe."

"I will. I love you."

"I love you too." Arthur pulls away and starts to head towards Lily and Rufus' home.

"I like him a lot, Ella." Arthur tells me.

"You mean it?" I ask him with a smile I can't seem to keep off my face.

"He seems like a really good guy. You two seem very happy together." Arthur tells me.

"I've never been in love like this. can I be sure I'm not dreaming?"

"A lot of bad things have happened to you, Ella, so enjoy these good moments. You deserve them."

"Thank you, Arthur. That means a lot coming from you." He winks at me. We pull up to the curb and find Dan holding Jenny's suitcases.

 We pull up to the curb and find Dan holding Jenny's suitcases

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