Here's the Plan

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I never liked Vanessa but this episode made me really dislike her more. She is so insecure and if she put as much effort in her film career as she does following Dan's friends around and then complain about them she would have one an Oscar.

3rd Person's POV

3rd Person's POV

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"You were right." Juliet gushes to Jenny and Vanessa. "Lily has requested a meeting."

"Trust me, nothing drives a wedge between mother and daughter more than Lily trying to cover up for Serena." Jenny explained, feeling proud that her part of the plan was working perfectly.

"Why hide your talents in Hudson?" Juliet asks.

"I didn't want to cross any more lines trying to defend myself against Blair. But when you told me they went after Vanessa at the ballet, I had to help." Jenny explains.

"Blair's pathological for sure, but half of what she does is to protect Serena, and she never pays consequences or takes responsibility."

"Which is exactly why we need to turn everyone against Serena." Juliet walks toward her corkboard with her revenge against Serena's plot. "So she finally knows what it feels like to be an outsider. We need Ella to turn on Serena."

"Oh, that won't be too hard." Jenny says.

" Jenny says

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"Say more."

"Serena and Ella may be step sisters, but they have a love-hate relationship with one another. It's a known fact that Serena stole two of Ella's boyfriends, one of whom was her child's father." Jenny explains.

"So it won't take much for Ella to turn?"

"Turn may not be the exact word to use, but she'll definitely have anger towards her." Jenny adds.

"Well, what's a better way than to make it a third?" Juliet suggests.

"I think so. Ella may not be involved in as much drama, but she could be knocked down a few." Vanessa agrees.

"What do you mean?" Jenny asks, concerned about what Juliet's plan has involving Ella.

"I was just thinking after we get Serena's phone, we could send a message to Ella's boyfriend from her, sounding like she wants to meet up with him for drinks alone. Make it seem like Serena is interested in yet another of Ella's boyfriends."

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