Dan vs Blair and Chuck

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It may be an unpopular opinion but I liked Dan and Blair together. Not more than Chuck and Blair but they were a great couple.

Dan's POV

"So you seemed pretty eager to get together this morning." My dad points out to me as we walk through the city with Eric.

" My dad points out to me as we walk through the city with Eric

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"What? Your first anniversary is a big deal. And I figured, maybe you could use my help planning, and maybe I needed to get out of the house. Vanessa just got back from the commune."

"Have you guys talked?"

"Oh, if saying hey and excuse me counts as talking." I state. "The worst thing is, uh, she tried to get back into campus housing, but uh, the deadline passed."

"Oh, so no, you're roomies with your ex." Eric states, and I nod my head, confirming my horrible predicament.

"Hey, how would you and Lily feel about celebrating, uh, with a nice family road trip?" I suggest.

"Actually, uh, we decided to order in tonight just to have a quiet evening alone." My dad turned down my offer.

"Oh, I thought you said um... it's really important to celebrate with the whole family." I remind him.

"We did, but Jenny has a big test she has to study for. Can't make it back to the city, and it doesn't feel right having a family celebration without her." My dad explained, and everything is making sense now.

"I know the first wedding anniversary's supposed to be paper, but that's not really an excuse to eat out of cartons." Eric argues.

"We'll celebrate together some other time when Jenny's back home. I'm gonna head off, find Lil some flowers, try to make this special." My dad heads off, and I feel sad that his big anniversary is ruined by things not in his control.

"What class has a test on a Saturday?" I ask Eric

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"What class has a test on a Saturday?" I ask Eric.

"That would be Fear of Chuck and Blair, 101." He answers.

"You know, after the year we had, it would mean a lot to my dad and Lily to get the family together. The... there's gotta be a way that we can get Jenny to come in, right?"

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