The B in Brooklyn

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Sorry for the long wait. I hope you enjoy this update. I have so many plans for this rewrite and I hope you all like it. Stay tuned for more to come.

"I know this is hard for you B, but you can't let them beat you. You/re Blair Waldorf remember." Serena is trying to make the whole yogurt incident okay I'm far from okay with it. Jenny is being a bitch just like the other minions. I thought she was better than that, but I guess you can always be wrong about a person.

"Right, right." Blair scoffs trying to sound confident. "These are my steps, and I'm not going to relinquish them without a fight. Though it would be helpful if there was maybe one more person in our crowd."

"What the three of us isn't enough?" I ask her mockingly.

"You know what I mean E, and I'm so sorry you had to give up your coat it was beautiful."

"It's clothing B, I get free stuff all the time and it never compares to our friendship. I would think about giving up my whole shoe collection for you."

"No, you wouldn't."

"Didn't say I would give it up but I would think about it." I joke with her which puts a smile on her face that hasn't been there in a while.

"Now let me see." She looks around and surveys the crowd. "Only old people and children and...ugh there's Chuck with a blond mini-Chuck." And Chuck and Eric have indeed been spending a lot of time together. I think it's good for them to bond despite what everyone else thinks.

"He's trying to torture me."

"He barely even thinks about you." I remind Serena who is not convinced.

"I...I can't believe it."

"I know."

"You two realize neither of you is talking about the same thing?"

"What?" Serena asks surprised but it doesn't bother Blair.

"Does Little J actually think that she's anything but their lackey?" Blair is pissed and Serena just has to tell her about Jenny's birthday dinner plans. "They what?"

"They're taking her out to dinner for her birthday tomorrow night...table service at Socialista."

"So Jenny Humphrey is officially being inscribed on the A-list. Wait how do you know about this?"

"She's dating Dan." I state. "Jenny's brother." I cough the last part making Blair roll her eyes at me.

"Because they invited me, but I said no out of deference to you. I just thought I could have dinner with her and Dan and the whole family." Blair is a little disgusted.

"How do you manage to get out of everything unscathed?"

"Because I'm nice. You should try it sometime. Come on. Um, compliment me. Tell me my hair looks beautiful."

"It looks like shit. I know you didn't shower but you could have brushed it or something." I state to her honestly

"I knew you didn't shower." Blair joins in making Serena laugh at us.

"B, I say this out of love, but you being a bitch is what got dairy in your hair and on E's coat in the first place, okay? Be nice and neutral, and things will swing back to normal."

"Wow so philosophical." I state to S.

"You know E you could be nicer too."

"I'm as nice as it's going to get. I gave them a ruined jacket instead of a punch in the face." I smile sweetly at Serena who just nods her head.

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