Goodbye Ms. Carr and Hello van der Bilts

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I loved writing this chapter and I hope you all enjoy reading it.

Ella's POV

After everything Blair did to get back at Ms. Carr, now it is awkward to meet with her to discuss my writing. I hesitate to knock on her door, but I take the plunge and knock. I peak my head in finding Ms. Carr with a stressed look on her face. "Hi, Ms. Carr." I greet her.

"Hi Ella, uh...sorry it's been crazy and..." She reaches into her bag and pulls out my piece. "I have your paper."

"Thank you for reading it."

"Serena and Dan were right. You are a gifted writer." She compliments me. She hands me the paper with her notes on it.

"Thank you for reading it. You're the only person I know of who didn't know my dad, so you would have the most unbiased opinion about my writing." I state.

"I feel like I have a good idea about who he was from your writing. He was cold, distant, but he did instill a lot of great qualities in his children."

"Do you think he would be proud of what I wrote about him?" I ask her.

"I believe he would. He should because you saw all of him. The business mogul, the billionaire, and the father. You saw all sides of him."

"Thank you again, Ms. Carr, for doing this. It means a lot." We just stare at each other.

"I know there is the elephant in the room. I know you've heard the rumors."

"And I know they're not true, but rumors hurt nonetheless." I tell her.

"I know you're friends with Blair and..."

"I know what she did was wrong. I don't condone a lot of things she does."

"It feels humiliating having people whispering about me for something I didn't do. Something I would never do."

"Rumors are horrible, but they do pass."

"This will follow me." Ms. Carr looks down.

"Blair is...she is immature in a lot of ways. She has a lot of growing up to do. I love her because she's been there for me when I had no one. But I know her faults. She...always has to win. Be on top. And those traits have gotten her into a lot of trouble."

"So spreading a lie is her way of winning?"

"Doesn't mean it makes sense." I state.

"I want this behind me. I want things to go back to normal." She tells me.

"Will they ever? Blair... she's done wrong, but should she be expelled?" I ask.


"I'm not asking you to do anything at the benefit for Blair Waldorf; all I'm asking is should she be expelled from school this close to graduation?"

"She made a choice. And the consequences are expulsion." Ms. Carr doubles down.

"The rumor isn't true, though. The facts prove that and...suspension seems more logical, but...expulsion is so harsh."

"I'm sorry, Ella. Headmistress Queller made the punishment, and that's it. I do wish you the best, and I hope we can speak more." I nod my head and take my things and leave.

I walk into Blair's home seeing her lounging in her living room. "What did I say? You do not support me and..."

"Cut the shit, Blair." I cut her off.


"Your better than though attitude may work for your minions but not with me."

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