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Yes! Nia is feeling better already. That could mean, a new update for this! *dances* 

Oh wait, I can't dance that much. Whoopies. 

So I hope you enjoy this NEW updated chapter! The media is called "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes - Cinderella MUSIC BOX" so I suggest you play this at the start of the chapter. Okay? Okay. 

DEDICATED TO: rukiasenpaii because her Fairy Tail Couple one-shots inspired me do update. Thanks, Elica xoxo

"Mommy, can you sing me a song?" A boy tugged on her mom's skirt, pleading to his mom for the third time. 

The boy's mom chuckled, sending him twirling around, making the boy laugh and laugh. She then placed him down, the dizziness washing away from his black, onyx eyes. The mother sat down as well; starting to sing the song to her son while stroking his spiky, blonde hair. 

"Alright," His mom smiled. 

 A dream is a wish your heart makes,

when you're fast asleep.

In dreams you will lose your heartache,

whatever wish for you keep.

Have faith in your dreams and someday,

your rainbow will come smiling though.

No matter how your heart is grieving,

if you keep on believing,

the dream that you wish will come true.

Hearing his mother's soft, angelic voice past through his ears, he quickly drifted into slumber. The mother, finishing the song, looked at the boy and gave him a slight shake on his shoulder,"Wake up" she said,'wake up, Luke."

Luke's POV 

I quickly jolted up from my bed, my eyes wide in shock. The beads of sweat rushed down to my neck as a heavy pant escaped from my mouth. I placed a hand on my head while my eyes were narrowing down to the bed sheets. What was that all about? 

A blonde woman who I called "mother", my mother's hair wasn't blonde. It was pure red. Me in a child form, listening to a familiar tune from the music box while she sang the lyrics. That was my childhood favorite, Cinderella. 

But I don't recall watching the movie with my mom. How come I knew of it? 

I stood up, stretching while I yawned. I then went outside of the room, only able to see my brother awake as well,"Ohayo, Luke." He greeted hazily. I nodded back while following him to the kitchen.

I wasn't still over that dream. It contemplated on my mind too much, I think going to school later on might be difficult for me. 

Nashi's POV

"Honey, time for school!" My mom, Lucy yelled from downstairs. I stood up quickly with hair on my drooling mouth, and my brown eyes seemed dizzy."Yeah mom. I'll be there in a sec." Although, my request wasn't fufilled; I snoozed off once more for a mere five seconds. But then, there came my mom's booming voice again,"Dress up! You'll be late!"

And there I was again, but this time a silently cussed to myself and stood up, putting on my skirt and my school blouse, followed by black socks and brown shoes. I galloped down the stairs, not minding the mess my dad made earlier upstairs. 

"Here you go, pancakes with bacon and orange juice." My mom stated busily as she place those yummy pancakes on my plate. My mouth melted just by the look of it and started to eat the whole, while my mom scolded my salmon-haired dad, Natsu, for making up such a mess. 

Drinking my orange juice, I made an 'ahh' sound and slung my bag over my shoulder and opened the door, followed by the sound of the bell. (To be honest, I don't even know why we had a bell)"I'll be going now!" 

"Alright, sweetie! Don't forget your lunch!" 



I walked alone in silence. The empty roads of the town got me wondering if this town ever has people. Not long until I received a text message. I got my phone out and saw the ID. An unknown number? Dafuq does this person know my number?! 

I checked the message, and it read:

Yo Dragneel, care to meet up with me later on in class? It's very important. -Luke 

I was fuming in anger. Oh, it was Luke. Still, dafuq does he know my number? 

I didn't reply, I put my phone back in my bag and stared at the sky while walking towards the road.

What does he want from me this time? 

AY it's short again. Sorry bros I couldn't go any further. I still have fever, you see. Huhuhu T^T 

Till the next update, then!

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