Nashi Dragneel

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So! Natsu and Lucy got married and had a child huh? Well that was so happy! I will show you a pic of the family. But don't shove it to my face or I'll blush! I....So I hope you enjoy this chappie ;) And also please don't drool on the plesant food here. HIHI.



Lucy's POV

I woke up the next day. Everybody was sleeping outside. Well..A few people like Mirajane, Lissana,Elf-man,Romeo,Wendy,Erza and Gray were sleeping. And Natsu was just sleeping peacefully in a comfy couch. Then the nurse came in with french croissant and juice. 

"Good morning Miss Dragneel. Here is your breakfast."

"Thank you."

"You can leave soon now. But for now after you eat. If you want to see your baby then you can."

I sat up weakly and started eating.

"Arigato. You can leave now."

The nurse nodded and went staight away. Then Erza and Gray and Wendy went inside. 

"Lucy. How are you?"

Erza asked,

"I-I'm fine. Where's Natsu?"

Gray started to make a facepalm.

"He's right there sleeping peacefully. Should I wake him up?"


Then Gray went sraight to the peaceful boy then cracked his knuckles. 


I became shocked.

"Oy! Gray! I told you slightly! And stop poking him."

Then Natsu started to wake up. Then saw Gray poking him.

"KOKO DE YATTE GRAY! (means What are you doing here Gray?)"

"I told you to wake up already!"

"You could've just tapped me on the shoulder!!"

Then he saw me. Laughing hysterically.  


Now it was time for us to go. But first we visited Nashi. When we saw her in the nursery. She was sleeping peacefully in her crib. I sigh. She looks beautiful. I'm going to miss her. But anyways! She's going to be with us soon! After she gets baptized! Oh yeah! Now I have to plan a baptizim date. 

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