FOUR: lisanna's self-conscious

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— lisanna strauss 
17 years old

       WHEN OUR TEST WAS FINALLY OVER, it was time for lunch! I walked excitedly to Natsu's table so that we could eat with each other now, my usually excitement bubbling with joy. Since that we're in this fabulous relationship, it was a couple's need to sit together, am I right? But then, an unexpected surprise came: he suddenly wasn't on the exact spot I usually see him for lunch, and it was occupied with other mages who went on with their lives. When I tried looking for him, I scanned almost the entire cafeteria, muttering my worries down my throat.

"Natsu, where are you? It's time for lunch! Natsu!"

I paused on my tracks once I saw him in a certain girl's table. She had blonde hair, a nice, sweet smile, and brown, shiny eyes! I think I met her in the market when she was just new in the city. I saw her buying...what was that, keys? No wait, I know. She's a celestial wizard! So that's why she went in here. Huh, that's strange, and quite awkward, I presume. I started to get a little jealous—  just a tiny bit jealous of her, seeing her nervous smiles and Natsu's beaming laughter. I knew she would never touch Natsu, and I fully knew that Natsu wouldn't leave her for me. Yet, why do I feel this way, like something's about to come up at the least expected? 

Oh, come on Lisanna! Your mind is full of questions! Admit it, you're jealous! So don't just stand there! Go there and tell her 'Get off my boyfriend you psycho!' 

No, don't listen to the devil, Lisanna. Go there and be friends, make haste. Don't be jealous. Jealousy is a sin. Envy, remember? It would cause you a great pang of regret if you continued listening to that vile creature's words.

Lisanna! Don't listen to her, listen to me! Your sister was controlled by our master's soul! Don't you want to follow your sister? 

A twitch made its way past my brow, shooing the two away from this self-conflict that made me stand there for over a minute. A new and familiar voice came to my head, however. It was one that was calmer, soothing, and someone who I dearly missed.

Lisanna, listen to your mother. Follow what the angel told you, because jealousy is very bad. Be frank. Try to make new friends. 

By her voice, and by her tone, I knew that it was mom. God, I missed her so much, and dad too. She's right, I have to follow. Save the envy for another time. Maybe...Maybe I could give this woman a change. So, I joined them in with a nice smile, and patted my skirt neatly before I cleared my throat.

"Hi, you must be Lucy! It's a great pleasure to meet you. Mind if I sit?"

i rlly hate it when my 2013 ass used to spell "lisanna" as "lissana" like ok damn girl i know u hated her that much but pls cut her some slack

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