Festival part 2

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Sanemi could see the lights from here,the lights of the festival.  Sanemi dress up for the festival he just wore his dark green yukata uniform but nezuko wore her sakura yukata even sanemi had to adit that she look adorable in her yukata. Sanemi head a two voices saying "hey over here!" He squinted at the festival entrance he saw two female figures one with pink floral yukata and braids and one with a purple butterfly hair pin and a  purple and white arrow yukata, it was Mitsuri and Shinobou.

"Sanemi! Hey over here." Mitsuri yelled "yeah yeah I heard you the first time." Sanemi responded. "Grumpy as usual shinagawa" Shinobou giggled sanemi sighed in frustration while Mitsuri and Shinobou both laughing. Sanemi looked over to his side and nezuko was holding on to his sleeve nezuko looked like she was gonna faint from the lights of the festival. Mitsuri looked like she noticed too "hey are you okay nezuko? You look very dizzy" Mitsuri said. "Hey uh... nezuko you can hold on to my arm..if you want to." Sanemi said " aw sanemi shinagawa what a gentlemen" Shinobou teased.   

"Now shall we enjoy the festival!" Mitsuri suggested. Everyone else nodded their heads and off they went. Mitsuri saw the first thing they where gonna do, it was a small booth with a bunch colorful wind chimes at the top. "Let's try this one first" mitsuri said. "Hey nezuko Do you want to try this game?" Mitsuri asked. Nezuko nodded then Mitsuri grabbed her hand then looked down at the stand. The vender explained the rules "okay so The rules are you half to through a lease three rings on these poles then you'll get a prize." The vender said "okay are you ready go nezuko?" Mitsuri asked. Nezuko nodded and the game started.

Sanemi watched carefully as the two girls tossed the rings as he saw them being thrown after the timer stopped and saw the rings nezuko actually won! "Wow nezuko! You are really good at this" Mitsuri praised nezuko smiled... the smile that Sanemi adored so much of course he would  admit it, but there was something about her cheeks glowing up to a pink color or how she always tilted her head well to be blunt it reminds him of his family, his brothers and sisters and even his mom.  "Hey, nezuko you can pick a prize now" Mitsuri said. Nezuko look at the large collection of wind chimes then she finally picked on out, it had a clear glass top with several white lilies on it and on the tag it had a colorful gradient background and more lilies on it. "Good choice nezuko" shinobou said.

"Hey Shinobou how about we go to one of those gold fish stands" Mitsuri suggested "good idea Mitsuri I've been wanting another goldfish for my tank." Shinobou agreed. Sanemi looked down at nezuko, she looked kinda sick so sanemi held out his arm to signal to garb on to it. Nezuko reached her clawed hand out and grabbed on to his sleeve, sanemi felt like he was being watched he looked over his shoulder it was a demon slayer. He could tell by the uniform the guy was watching from the crowd of people sanemi looked back at nezuko who was know holding his arm then back a the demon slayer. That demon slayer may have found out that nezuko was a demon they best get going.

"Hey guys over here!" It was Shinobou she and Mitsuri where at the stand across from them. Sanemi and nezuko walked over and watch Shinobou play, first she looked at what fish she wanted next she grabbed the paper scoop. Shinobou was quick and got it on the first time in the tub and the vendor got it in a plastic bag for her "wow Shinobou you picked a really pretty one!" Mitsuri said "hey guys, I'm hungry can we get some food?" Mitsuri said. "Yeah sure I'm fine with whatever" sanemi said Shinobou nodded her head so they went to the nearest food stand. "Oh! Here looks good" Mitsuri said while pointing at a stand.

Shinobou got a fired squid while Mitsuri and sanemi got a candy apple but nezuko didn't get anything since she was a demon of course. Sanemi just couldn't get the image of the demon slayer out of his head he thought he should walk around to see if he was still around. "Hey Mitsuri, Shinobou can you watch nezuko I'm going to walk around for a bit." Sanemi said "okay" they both said so there he was wandering around the festival looking for the demon slayer. 

Sanemi heard  footsteps they got louder and louder until "sanemi! Sanemi!" Mitsuri yelled "what is it!?" Sanemi responded "we lost her! We lost her in the crowd." Mitsuri said out of breath "oh for god sakes!" Sanemi yelled in frustration. "Hey guys how about we calm down" Shinobou suggests "me and Mitsuri can look for her in the crowd" Shinobou said "and I can look for her on my own?" Sanemi responded. Shinobou nodded her head "okay let's split up" sanemi said while rubbing his eyes. Shinobou and Mitsuri both ran off while sanemi stood there. Sanemi sighed then heard noise from one of the alleyway.

Sanemi followed the noise and saw what he was looking for. It was the demon slayer he saw before pining down Nezuko, nezuko's yukata was wonky and showing her shoulder with the demon slayer blade up to her neck. Nezuko was shaking even her eyes where full of fear. Sanemi put on the scariest face "hey what do you think your doing kid?" The demon slayer looked up at him "I'm sorry sir but this thing is a demon not a child." The slayer said sanemi wasn't in his uniform so he didn't look like a pillar... good thing he always brings his sword where ever he goes. Sanemi slowly pulls out blade the green color shimmering in the moon light. The demon slayer gasps. "That sword... are you the wind pillar?" The demon slayer asked 

"Bingo" sanemi said "you finally realized dumb ass" sanemi continued. "So before I let your head roll, scram." Sanemi said the demon slayer did as he told and ran off. Sanemi sighed "hey get up" sanemi said to nezuko. Nezuko tried put was still a weak sanemi held out his arm and said " here you had a long day, I'll carried you" sanemi picked up the tired demon. "Okay kid let's go back and I can give you a bath" sanemi said. Maybe they could be friends... well it was a start.

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