After the festival

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Sanemi was carrying nezuko to his house the demon felt sleepy. But he kept walking until he saw his house and there he saw it, his house was small but he could recognize it from far away. Sanemi walked up to his houses door "where here nezuko" sanemi said but she was half asleep and didn't really hear him. Sanemi open the door and stepped inside his house and looked down at the demon girl "now we got to get you a bath" sanemi said to nezuko. Sanemi opened the door to the bathroom sanemi sat her down on one of the stools in the bathroom. Sanemi turned on bath on and let the water run and while he let the water warm up... he had to undress her.

Of course he had to she was half asleep so couldn't do it her self. He just sucked it up and walked behind the half asleep girl and look at her obi musubi ( A/N a obi musubi is a obi knot) the musubi was in a candy musubi. He untied the musubi shame because it look so cute. After he  untied the knot he took of the obi and put it to the side then he took off her yukata. It was kinda awkward seeing her in ther underwear but then he had to take them off too. Sanemi's shaky hands grabbed on to nezuko's bra and unclipped it, it only took a second but it felt like an eternity then he had to take off her panties too, what a nightmare. "Hey nezuko get up" sanemi order nezuko did as he said and stood up sanemi slowly Grabbed her panties and slowly pulled down them. 

The water was done running so sanemi turned it off. "Okay nezuko you can get in now" sanemi said looking away from her naked figure. Nezuko hops in the tub and giggled she looked like she was going to melt into the tub sanemi could smile at nezuko's cuteness but he only smiled in his head. At this time he would leave the room to give her some privacy but considering what happened last time she was left in the tub alone, it didn't end so well. So he just stood the bathroom looking away from nezuko naked body, you bet was as red as a strawberry.

A few minutes later it was time for nezuko to get out of the tub. "Hey nezuko, time to get out" sanemi said. Nezuko stepped out of the tub her coal black hair was Dripping with water it was like a beautiful black water fall. Nezuko used her wet hair to cover her chest (at least he didn't have to see her completely topless) sanemi grabbed one of the towels in the bathroom and opened it fully so he could rap it around her. Nezuko jumped into the towel in his arms and sanemi rapped the towel around her and then he saw nezuko's smile that he adored so much. Of course he would never admit it that but that damm smile. It was like a temporary escape to happier days.

Sanemi looked down at the demon girl rapped around the towel "do you want to get dressed now?" Sanemi asked. Nezuko nodded her head and looked down at her feet. "Hold on I'll go get your yukata" sanemi said as he walked out of the room to go get her checkered yukata and red heko obi. Sanemi was walking over to the bathroom nezuko had already took off her towel revealing her bear body. Sanemi face turned red, and he didn't know what to do so sanemi just threw her clothes in the room. Sanemi slam the door shut out of panic, sanemi couldn't believe it he just saw that girl naked, the seen in his mind played over and over again. "She has a nice body" sanemi thought but then he just realized what he thought. "No no I can't think that she's a terrible demon and a child nonetheless" sanemi thought.

The door of the bath room opened showing nezuko in her turquoise and whites checkered yukata and red heko obi that he gave her. He look in nezuko's eyes the once bright and cute know had deep bags under them, of course he couldn't blame her if he was a small girl who was pined down and had a sword up to there neck he would be traumatized too. Sanemi felt like he forgot something... the futons! He forgot to set up the futons "hold on kid, I gotta set up the futons" sanemi spoke.

Sanemi opened the cupboard in his room and grabbed two fluffy futons out. Sanemi lay them out and lay the pillows and blankets as well. Nezuko was about to lay down on her bed when sanemi noticed something. Her muzzle, "hey uh kid, do you want me to take the muzzle off?" Sanemi asked. Nezuko look both happy and surprise at the same time, she nodded her head. Sanemi grabbed the the ends of the ribbons that held her muzzle up and un tied them. 

What he saw was a beautiful young face looking back at him. Nezuko face was cute and pretty, he would never admit though. But another thing he noticed about her face was the the red marks on her face from wearing that muzzle all day. "Okay you can sleep without your muzzle for only ONE night, got that" sanemi spoke nezuko smiled and it was more beautiful without her bamboo gag. Nezuko flopped on to her futon and barriers her face in her pillow. Then sanemi sat down on his futon and saw nezuko slowly fall asleep. Once nezuko was in dream land he got under the covers of his futon he slowly fell asleep.

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