Get to know you better

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Sanemi listened to nezuko humming in other room embroidering. Sanemi looked down at nezuko's box and realized that she left a journal in there. Sanemi should of just ignored it but for some reason he picked it up and opened it. He flipped through the pages and they where pages full of journal entry he thought that this way the way to get to know the demon girl better even it was a little unethical. The frist entry was the day of the funeral.

Today is the day my brother's funeral will held, this day will case me great  sorrow. I still cannot control my tears as I right this passage. My brother was the most generous and helpful human period. If my beloved late brother thank you for all you done for me and for all the people you help and saved if wasn't for you my dear big brother.

Sanemi didn't realize that nezuko was so well written her hand writing was excellent and grammar and spelling where great too. But another thing that stood out to him was the tear stained page. It made sense if he was a little girl who loss her only family left he would be in tears. Sanemi wanted to see more so he turned to the next page.

Today I found out which haishira will be have custody of me I'm surprised to say the least. Shinobou, Mitsuri, giyu and sanemi are the pillars who will take care of me. All of choices seem fine except the wind pillar. I do not have good relations with the wind pillar obvious reason but there is a small hope within me that will change. I hope my new caregivers will nice at least but none will ever match Tanjiro.

Sanemi was surprised that nezuko mentioned him but he couldn't blame her he was just as surprised when he found out. Sanemi looked into the other to make sure she was still there and she was still crafting the beetle she was making for him. Sanemi felt like kinda of a shit-head for looking through her personal stuff while she was in the other room crafting him a embroidered beetle. Nonetheless he still continued this passage was when he gave her the sakura hair pin.

Today was a wonderful day because the wind pillar of all pillars gave me a delightful sakura hair pin. I think I'm gonna get good use out of  it if I am correct this is a apology for what he did to me. I always get excited when I get new kimono, hair, pin obi etc  because my family was in poverty when I was human. I only had a few kimonos and obi and no real fancy hairpins do getting gifts as lovely as these are a real treat.

Sanemi felt this warm feeling in his heart. He didn't know why but nezuko mentioning him a positive light like this make him feel this way. Sanemi decided that he was done for today and deep down he knew that this will become a habit. Sanemi walked into the other room to check on nezuko "hey kid are you done yet" sanemi asked nezuko nodded and handed the needle work to the wind pillar. Sanemi took one look at her embroidery and was socked by her skill at this age. The black beetle was so realistic that it looked like it was going to crawl out of the fabric any second now. "Wow" sanemi muttered nezuko looked so happy at his reaction. Sanemi put his hand on her head and said "nezuko your a good kid"

Tears started running down nezuko's face. Sanemi was scared that he did something wrong but that wasn't the case. Nezuko hugged the wind pillars chest and couldn't stop crying. Sanemi was surprised at her sudden movement but concluded that the reason she hugged him was because she probably never had her head patted like this ever since her big brother died. Sanemi felt bad for the little demon girl he wrapped his arm around her not out of need but for real emotion.

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