Needle work

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💚9 days later🌸

Shinobou was hanging out with nezuko reading her a book about insects in her office. Shinobou gifted her a notepad so they can communicate with out her talking. "Hey nezuko, do you have any hobbies?" Shinobou asked, nezuko wrote down something needle work she wrote. Shinobou put her hand on her chin and said "hmmm I think I might have something like that in a closet" she spoke. Shinobou stood up from her stool and walked out of the room while nezuko just sat and wait eventually shinobou came back with a small cardboard box. The pillar sat back down and opened it.

"This used to be be my mothers needle work kit but ever since she died I just kept it in this box." Shinobou explained the insect pillar handed the brown cardboard box to the young demon. Nezuko carefully took out the needles and colorful strings out of the box, she also Grabbed a pice of fabric and placed it on the embroidery hoop and shut it into place. Nezuko got to work pushing the needle up and down up and down making the needle dance in-between the fabric soon enough nezuko was done.

"My my nezuko your all ready done?" Shinobou said nezuko pass it to Shinobou and she look a look at it. It was a beautiful blue butterfly with the cool blue hues almost looking life like.

 It was a beautiful blue butterfly with the cool blue hues almost looking life like

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"Goodness nezuko your very talented" shinobou praised. Nezuko looked flattered she loved praise and attention.  Shinobou looked at the clock obove "oh would look at the time" Shinobou noticed. "We only have a few more minutes till I haft to drop you off at sanemi's" Shinobou said "how about you get dressed first" Shinobou asked nezuko placed her embroidery work on Shinobou's desk and pulled her box from under her desk. 

 Then she pulled out her kimono and Nagoya obi she got from sanemi. "Hey nezuko I've never seen that kimono before where did you get it?" Shinobou asked. Nezuko took out her note pad and wrote "sanemi" Shinobou look a little surprise "really, sanemi?" Shinobou questions. Nezuko nodded she then she went into the other room to get dressed. Nezuko stepped out but without her obi "oh nezuko, do you want to tie your obi?" Shinobou asked. Nezuko nodded for yes and Shinobou grabbed the naygoya obi from her hands then started to tie  her obi. "Would a double layer drum musubi be nice" Shinobou suggested nezuko replied with a happy "hmhp" Shinobou tied her obi in the knot she asked for. 

"Done!" Shinobou announced nezuko look to the back of her kimono and she looked as happy as a bird.  Shinobou grabbed the cardboard box where she kept the embroidery then gave it to nezuko "here you can keep it I'll nezuko use it any way" Shinobou said. Nezuko took it and held it close to her chest "okay so it about time we get going" Shinobou spoke nezuko shunk down and stepped inside her box and closed the door on top of her. The insect pillar grabbed her box and put it on her back.

Shinobou stepped out of the room then closed the door behind her "hey aoi may you look after the place while I'm away" Shinobou asked she heard foot steps then she saw aoi walking up to her "of course" aoi responded. "Good" Shinobou said

💚 10 minutes later🌸

Finally Shinobou made it to sanemi house she nicked on the door. "Alright alright I'm coming" the voice from the other side. Soon sanemi opened his door and said "hello Shinobou" the insect pillar smiled "well hello to you too sanemi" Shinobou said.  Sanemi held his arms out and Shinobou placed nezuko's box in them. "Oh and I found out nezuko likes to do needlework so you can ask her to make you something if you want" Shinobou added. Sanemi closed the door behind him and placed nezuko's box down "okay you can come out now" sanemi said. The door of the her box opened and out popped nezuko, she was clucking a small cardboard box. "Hey uhh kid" sanemi said nezuko tilted her head "Shinobou said you can do embroidery right?" Sanemi question. Nezuko nodded "um I was wondering... can you make a beetle" sanemi asked nezuko hummed a cheerful tone and nodded her head again. Before sanemi could say another word she got to work with her skill in embroidery showing in how she worked and sanemi noticed. Sanemi had to be honest with himself, she was a talented little demon.

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