Chapter one

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Lilly's POV-

I had finally done it. My bakery Sinful Delights was rated 5 starts by the top New York food critic group two days ago, and I was holding the proof in my hands. But as I looked down once again at my bakery's wonderful review, I couldn't help but notice all the other personal holes that seemed to appear at what I had always hoped would be a happy moment in my life.

Hell I can still hear my mothers voice in my head over dinner last week with my 8 an half month pregnant sister Gabby and her picture perfect husband Mark. They were like fucking Barbie & Ken just with darker tans. But back to my crappy evening. Somehow my unsuccessful dating life had become perfectly appropriate dinner table conversation. I can still hear my mother saying and I quote "the clocks ticking Lilly your not going to be young forever, don't let that little business of your take over your life." After said commit I simply tuned the rest of the evening out. The fact is that I'm happy with my life and the things I've accomplished, but it never seems like its enough for my family specifically my mother.

The bell over the bakery's front door jingled indicating the arrival of Margret my bakery's manager and friend.

"Hey momma Lil's are you holding a copy of the good news?"

"Yup, I made sure to be awake before the corner store was even open this morning"

Margret laughed her ass off over that, for the fact she and all my employees know that I don't do mornings. I know most people would think how can you be a successful bakery owner and not be a morning person, and my answer is I do all of Sinful Delights prep work the night before. And that's also how I earned the nickname "night owl".

"So how's it feel to be the owner of a five star bakery girly?"

"It feels great..."

I could tell that Margret wasn't pleased with my lack of enthusiasm over Sinful Delights latest achievement. For the bakery had received great reviews in the past from other smaller publishers and food critics, but todays review was by far the biggest deal and we received five stars. Not a small feet at all, but with all the dark and gloom thoughts crowding the edges of my mind had me lacking the proper enthusiasm.

"Okay just tell me what's really holding you back from being over joyed right now" Margret asked with her arms crossed looking very serious.

"You no me I'm always worrying about something, and todays know different." I answered hoping to deflect her question with the least amount of discussion of my odd feelings.

"Oh please! I know you better than that Lil, this has to do with your dinner with your damn mother doesn't it?" Margret said with a look of frustration growing on her face.

"No it has nothing to do with that. I'm just-" I wasn't sure how to finish that sentence for the fact that I wasn't really sure how I felt. Ya I was over joyed for the shop but I couldn't help feeling that something eals was missing in my life.

"Yes it dose!! You have to let yourself be happy with the things you have now in your life, and not let other peoples opinion make them seem like there wroth less." Margret practically yelled. She had tried getting this point throw my thick skull may times if you didn't know.

"I know but now that I've finally have accomplished all my goals for Sinful Delights. I cant help but notice that my personal life seems like its standing still." I couldn't help feeling embarrassed actually saying those words out loud, even if it was to one of my best friend's.

That gave Margret some food for thought as I went into the walk-in to get the mini cup cakes I had baked last night. By the time I had come back out of the walk-in Bryan another one of my employees and long lasting best friend's had made his grand entrance.

"Hey Bry" I said as I past him, but I couldn't help but stare at his current attire. He was dressed from head to toe in highlighter pink. I think I might be blind now.

"I see that look in your eye girl! But you might want to stop looking at me like that because green is so not your color." Bryan said eyeing me right back.

"Don't worry Bryan I'm not jealous, I like not seeing red dots all over the place." I could hear Margret chuckle in the back ground.

"Bicth no you didn't!!" Bryan yelled while smiling ear to ear.

"EOUGH" Margret yelled like a ref at a little league game.

Margret hates when we cuss at one another, but that's what makes Bryan and I's relationship last. And that's the closest male-female relationship I have had in the last 5 plus years scenes I've opened the bakery. I know it's heart breaking just thinking about it.

"Sorry Marg" we said together.

"Its okay, but back to what you said before about your personal life being dead." Margret said with no remorse for my feelings.

"Hey! I didn't say its was dead!" I said in my own defenses as I got to work.

"It was implied. Anyways now that you have the bakery in calm water why not focuses a little bit more of your time on what's missing from your life. The timing seems perfect if you really want to start getting out there." Margret suggested.

"I would have to agree Lil your a beautiful caramel dipped pastry Chef. I don't know what man black or white wouldn't want to have you on their arm." Bryan said as he wrapped a arm around my shoulders.

"Really Bry? Well why don't you just magically become straight and then I wont have to do the leg work to find out." I answered smiling up at Bryan.

This made Bryan laugh for the fact is that we had indeed dated in middle school- Bryan came out a year later. I still joke with him that I trended him of woman in the very bereft time we dated. But Bryan still has many of the key things on my check list he's tall, handsome, well built, and he has a good moral code, plus he comes from a large normal family unlike myself.

"Ya, well we both know that's never going to happen again, in less your considering a sex change anytime soon. And beings that me and your brother are pretty serious now I think he might mind you stealing me away." Bryan throw back finding himself to be quite funny as he helped me rewhip the Robins egg blue colored royal icing.

"Okay, okay you two have convinced me I needed to make my personal life a priority, along with hiring a contractor to help me finish my fixer upper. I keep forgetting to make the time for that too." I said thinking about when I could schedule some time to call some of the local contractors in the area.

Both Margret and Bryan groan giving me disapproving looks."No! your list of priorities for this new beginning well go like this, 1) personal AKA love life 2) finding a contractor, UNDERSTUDED?!"

"Yes mom" I knew they wouldn't be happy until they got a yes out of me.

Even if I couldn't help crossing my fingers behind my back, old habits do die hard.

Hey guys-

Thanks for taking the time to read this chapter! Tell me what you think, I have taken the time to edit it but let me know if I missed something. Please vote and commit and possible follow me...

With Love-


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