Chapter twelve

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Lilly's POV-

It was like I couldn't stop smiling this morning. A smile had taken up residences on my face since I had opened my eyes this morning. I was walking on cloud nine ever since Gabe had given me one last kiss before walking me home last night.

I was now back at the bakery bright and early, for a change. I just couldn't sleep for very long after all that happened last night. Since I was in the bakery early and it was two hours before our usual 7 am opening. I figured I would crank the speakers and play my happiest playlist my phone had. I couldn't help dancing around the kitchen as I got the Italian bread out of the prof box and into the oven.

But I got a little to into the zone, because I managed to completely miss Margret coming in the back door of the kitchen. I didn't notices my not being alone until she tapped me on the shoulder. Which scared the shit right out of me.

"Holy Shit! Margret you scared the shit out of me." I couldn't help holding a hand over my heart, that was beating way to fast at the moment. Poor thing was beating a mile a minute.

"Well it was pretty easy to do You have the music loud enough Lil? It's only five in the morning, a little early to be listening to music this loud don't you think." Margret yelled over the music while giving me her signature 'mom look'. Like I didn't get that look enough from my own mother.

"Do you not know me or something? There's never not a good time to listen to music at its loudest setting." I loved listening to music and it was even better in my opinion when it was at max volume.

"I should have known you would have said that. Well can we turn it down now that I'm here?" Margret asked smiling this time.

"Ya, I only had it load because I was by myself working. And you know me." I pulled the remote out of my apron pocket so I could turn down the music. Just a little.

After I turned down the stereo I got back to work on getting todays fresh products ready. But I should have known Margret wasn't going to let me of the hook about wanting details for last night. I was smiling like a fool again along with the fact that I was listening to my happiest playlist. I just knew she was going to put the pieces together, and demand to know what happened last night on my date.

"So- judging by the fact that your grinning like an idiot and the fact that your listening to your ultra happy music. I guess I can safely say you had a good time last night." Margret asked as she started to fill the éclairs for today.

"Yes. I had a great time last night." I said as I began filling the cannoli shells with chocolate chip filling.

"That's it? That's all your going to tell me?" Margret's voices was pleading.

"For now ya. You know Bryan is going to be coming in like 30 minutes, and he's going to be demanding the same things you are right now. So lets just wait and I'll tell you both at the same time."

I could tell by the frustrated look on Margret's face she wasn't happy with this idea. But it was true, if I started telling here what happened now Bryan would come in 30 minutes later right in the middle of everything. And I knew Bryan he would demand I start from the beginning, which would be counter productive. I knew these two all to well. It was just easier to tell them all at once.

"That's so not fair! I want to know what's got you smiling so dam bad." Margret stomped her foot like that was going to help her cause.

"And you well in 30 minutes when Bryan comes in. I promise you wont explode during the time you have to wait."

"Ah fine! Can we turn the music back up than? I wont be tempted to ask more questions if I cant hear myself think."

My answer was to simply point the remote at the stereo again, and let the kitchen fill its self with the sound of happiness. And once again something felt like everything was right in my world. At least for the next 30 minutes.

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