Chapter twenty seven

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  • Dedicated to To all that are a litte gun shy the second time around...

 Gabe's POV- Last Saturday

"So are you going to tell me what that shit eaten grin is for. Or am I just going to have to gussie?" My Uncle Marshal asked for he had caught me texting Lilly back. Apparently her sisters baby shower didn't end well. 

"Earth to Gabe!" Uncle Marshal yelled.

"Shit I heard you!" I yelled back putting away my phone.

"SO?" Uncle Marshal propped.

"What?" I answered trying to change the subject.

But Uncle Marshal wasn't having any of that, so I gave in.

"Fine, I was texting back Lilly." I answered hoping Uncle Marshal would be satisfied with that answer.

"And would this be the same Lilly your momma told me came down with you for her birthday party?" Uncle Marshal asked not getting the hint.

"Yes it is. Me and Lilly are dating." I said smiling thinking back to our time spent in Texas.

"Aw son I'm proud of you. You've finally found someone to grease that squeaky wheel!" Uncle Marshal said grinning like a fool.

"If your referring to sex, then no. I'm waiting to take that step this time around. I don't want things to move too fast like things did with Mia." I emitted.

"Well that's just silly boy. From what your mommas told me about this girly she's nothing like Mia, and she's great with Ryan." Uncle Marshal said looking confused.

"What momma told you is true Lilly is nothing like Mia. Hell she's like no woman I've ever meet before, but I'm just a little gun shy this time around. Things with Mia didn't go to shit until we decide to have a physical relationship."

"And that's were your wrong son that women had been bad new from the day she came into this world, you just couldn't see it. Love give's you a pair of rose colored glasses when you sign up."

"Boy did you just say a mouthful Uncle Marshal." I said shacking my head.

"Its the truth. But I have to ask you are you not going the physical route because your just not that attracted to her? You could be-"

I didn't even let Uncle Marshal finish, because their was no saying that I wasn't  attracted to Lilly.

"Trust me attraction is not Lilly and I's problem. When I'm alone with her I can barley keep my hands off her."   

"Well then what are you waiting for? You planning to become a monk or something? Because if you want this women as much as you say and she wants you back than what are you waiting for? A damn divine intervention!" Uncle Marshal yelled.

"No its-" I tried to explain.

But this time Uncle Marshal cut me off. "Son we've all had our hearts broken at one time or another, and I get that your scared to open up your heart again this time. But you cant expect your happily ever after to just fall into your damn lap. No son your going to have to risk your heart again and jump into the fire."

Uncle Marshal just said all the things I was to afraid to admit myself. All the things I wasn't ready to hear said out loud.

"When the hell did you become a softy Uncle Marshal?" I asked joking trying to lighten the heavy moment.

"Ah hush up and just listen to me Gabe. Your going to hurt that girl if you don't tell her straight out how your felling right now."

Hearing this was like a kick to the gut. For the last thing I wanted to do was hurt Lilly like Mia hurt me. For Lilly deserved so much better than what I could give her now.

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