Chapter eighteen

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After are meeting in the hall Gabe and I went back to our room to start getting ready for tonight. But before I could get to rapped up in the details of our night out on the town I had to check on the little man.

"Have you sceen Ryan? I haven't since around dinner time." I asked Gabe as we walked into our room.

"Ya that's where I disappeared to when we finished dinner. He's with Todd and Linda's youngest. Todd Jr there son is about the same age." Gabe said smiling thinking about his son.

"That's good, he must have missed being with kids his own age."

"I've been thinking about that he wont be starting school until the end of the summer, but I want him to start making new friends now so he's not overwhelmed in September." Gabe said as he started to go through his suit case looking for something.

"You could have him go to a day camp. Our area has a few good ones. I could help you pick one. I've gone to most of them when I was growing up." I said as I watched Gabe move around the room. The man moved with such a natural grace about himself.

"That's a great idea Lil. I never even thought of that, but its not sleep away camp right?" Gabe asked looking concerned.

Not that I blamed him, we both knew about Ryan's suppuration anxiety. Lord knew going to day camp would test that poor boys emotions.

"No you wouldn't sign him up for a sleep away camp. Just a nice day camp were he goes in the morning, dose outdoorsy stuff and then in the afternoon you come back and pick him up again."

"Oh ya, that while defiantly work." Gabe said as he pulled out a pair of dark wash Levies and a dark gray western shirt with black buttons, that was out lined on black.

"That's what your wearing out tonight?" I asked as I too started to grab out my outfit from my suit case.

"Yup. What are you wearing on are night out on the town?" Gabe asked smiling at me as he pulled his t-shirt over his head, getting ready to get into the shower.

But the sight of his sculpted chest put my reply on hold. The man should really come with a warning label.


"Hm, my bad its a surprise. I'm under direct orders not to show you until I'm completely dressed. Bryan's orders nit mine." I said laughing thinking about what Gabe's reaction would be to my scandals corset.

"I don't know how I feel about this." Gabe said as he grabbed a towel and headed for the bathroom.

"Oh trust me your defiantly going to like the end result." I couldn't help laughing.

"I bet I well." Gabe said before the shower curtain closed behind him.

Once I new I was alone in the bedroom I pulled out my black lace corset. I had already ironed my dark wash Sweet Heart Jeans, and my cowboy boots were shining.

I had already planed on bring my change of clothes into the bathroom with me, so Gabe wouldn't be able to get a sneak peek at it before the revile.

"Showers free." Gabe said coming back into the room only wearing a white towel around his lean waist.

"Thank you darlin." I said over my shoulder as I walked past him and into the bathroom, but not before Gabe got the chance to pinch my ass.

After finishing my shower I couldn't help noticing the fact that I had a extra pep in my step. Ya I was worried about June not liking me, but I wasn't going to let that get me down. So with that thought in mind I covered my body in sweet smelling lotion before pulling on my jeans that fight me like a second skin.

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