Chapter seven

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Lilly's POV

When I reached the bakery's dinning room, I couldn't help looking for a certain set of wide shoulders. I had a feeling that the stranger looking for me was my new hunky neighbor Gabe.

And sure enough I found Gabe sitting with his son in a corner booth in the front of the bakery's dinning room. What I found funny though was my reaction to seeing Gabe again. It had only been a couple hours scenes Joey had tackled him, and our informal introductions to one another. So I couldn't really understand my body's reaction to seeing him again. For my body acted like it had managed to forget the way Gabe's muscles looked under a t-shirt, or the beauty of his strong jaw that had been shaved today unlike when I had first saw him.

I could tell by my body's reaction that I needed to calm down a minute before heading over to say "Hi". Or I would totally end up embarrassing myself for a second time today in front of him.

So I stopped over by Bryan who was cleaning the front counter, this would give me a chance to collect myself. Bryan of courses noticed that there was something of with me and stepped over to me, and whispered in my ear "Is there a reason why your staring over at the front corner booth?"

Not wanting to make it advices that I was trying to calm down my raging hormones like a teenager before heading over to my new neighbors table. I acted like Brian was the one acting wired and said "What are you talking about Bryan?"

Bryan didn't believe me though. But took my answer at faces value-for like a minute. I guess Bryan finale figured out that the guy how was looking for me was the same guy now sitting in the front corner booth.

"Hey that's the guy that was asking for you a few minutes ago. Is there a reason why it looks like you don't want ti go over there and talk to him?" Bryan asked with a very confused look on his face.

"Its not that I don't want to talk to him per say, it more or less has to do with..." I left the rest unsaid hoping Brian would be able to understand what I was getting at.

"Oh, say no more. So who is this guy?" Bryan asked openly checking Gabe out.

"My new neighbor. His name is Gabe." I managed to get out while trying not to stair myself.

"Well that is one fine ass neighbor you got there Lil."

Brian was smiling from ear to ear in obvious appreciation of such a perfect male form.

"Hey don't you have a fine ass boyfriend who happened to be my brother?"

"Hell yes, I do but hes still on deployment in Frances remember?!"

I laughed at Bryan saying "True"

"An I'm just looking anyways. Anyone can tell that you have already called dibs on that man anyways."

"Not officially or anything! We only talked this morning and yesterday for like a minute when I waited on him."

"You kill me Lil. Get over there before he thinks you ran off."

Bryan didn't even give me a chance to reply before walking back to the cash register to ring up a costumer. I guess I couldn't wait any longer.

As I approached the booth I could tell that Gabe and his son were talking about something. Just then Gabe looked up and saw me of to the side of the table.

I smiled and said "Hey boy's"

Gabe being ever the gentlemen stood up from the booth with a bright smile on his face saying "I was starting to think I had the wrong bakery."

Hearing this made me blush for Bryan was right I had made the poor guy wait to long while I was reining in my raging hormones.

"Sorry about that, the kitchens a little backed up due to some last minute orders. And when I get into the kitchen I often zone rate out." Ya, sure that sounded a lot better that the truth of the matter. Which was I was trying to cool my pants before having to talk to him, and make a fool of myself for the second time today and now I wouldn't even have my dog here to blame it on.

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