Chapter twenty

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Lilly's POV:

I have know clue to where Gabe was driving us to. All I could see out of my window after we left the towns limits were empty farm land covered in an inky blanket of stars.  

"You can relax Lilly, I'm not taking you out here to hurt you." Gabe said chuckling. It was like he read my mind.

"Funny, ha ha! So your not even going to give me a hint to where your taking me?" I asked leaning over the armrest looking up at his strong side profile.

"Nope." Gabe said smirking as he turned down of the main road and on to a dirt road. Which continued to lead us further into the middle of know where.

"You know you want to give me a hint at the very least." I said sarcastically, but this was know skin off Gabe's back for he still refused to answer me.

"We're here!" Gabe said as he stopped the truck and put it into park.

"Ya that so is not a helpful hint Gabe!" I said as I smacked him on his bicep. I truly wanted to strangle him at that moment but if I killed him I would be stranded.

"Come on, you'll never figure it out if you don't get out of the truck Sugar." Gabe said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and my own, totally ignoring my annoyance with him.

"Hope your not afraid of the dark." Gabe said as he helped me out of the truck, and pulled me into the dark Texas night.

"You do remember my family nick-name right?" I loved the night, there was just something about the darkness that comforted me.

"Ya I remember. I've got my very own night owl now." Gabe said smiling back at me.

I smiled even though Gabe couldn't see me, for he was busy leading the way to were ever we we're going.

"Alright close your eye's Sugar." Gabe said as he came to a stop and pulled me in front of his strong chest.

"This must be good if I have to close my eye's." I said as I reluctantly closed my eyes and leaned back into his warm chest. I loved the feeling of his body heat seeping into my bare skin.

"Open up." Gabe had raped his arms around my waist at this point.

When I opened my eye's I found myself standing in front of a beautiful pond surrounded by boulders and tall wild grass. The surface of the pond looked like glass in that moment. I could see a perfect reflection of the full moon in its surface. It all was breath taking.

"Its gorgeous." I said in a whisper.

"I know. This place has been my quiet place since I was old enough to get off of the ranch by myself." Gabe whispered close to my ear.

"Growing up in a big family not always sun shine and lollypops?" I propped not sure I would get an answer back.

"I guess you could say that. Me being the oldest gave me the most responsibility. I was always he one who should have known better when us kids got into trouble even if it wasn't by idea. And don't get me wrong I know momma and pop's love me but growing up sometimes I just wanted to be left the hell alone. I felt like I was never living up to expectations that they set for there first born son." Gabe finished resting his head on my shoulder.

I reached up my arms to rub his neck. I knew that his revelation had taken a lot form him. During our short time together I've come to the conclusion that Gabe doesn't share information about his past with just anyone. So for him to tell me something so privet about his past made me feel privileged.

"I think I know where your coming from. You always seemed to be the center of attention growing up with your parents while I was the complete opposite with my mother. Like I told you before my brother James has always been the golden boy while my baby sister Gabby is the perfect princess because she's the baby. With only having one parent growing up and there being three of us, I was defiantly the forgotten child from my family."

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