Chapter thirty

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Lilly's POV-

Walking up next to a nude cowboy was beginning to become addicting. I couldn't help gazing over at Gabe's strong tan chest and remembering every passionate moment we had shared the night before. My body ached with want and pain at the memories of last night. Gabe defiantly knew what he was doing.

"If you keep staring at me like that sugar, we'll never leave this bed." Gabe said in a husky sleep filled voice as he pulled me under his strong chest once again.

"Haven't you had enough? I figured you'd be tired of me by now." I asked.

"I could never be tired of you sugar, and one night was defiantly not enough time for me. Are you sure you have to go to work today?" Gabe asked giving me the saddest puppy dog eyes.

"Oh no you don't! Don't you pull those eyes out on me. I can barely say no to you normally." I said laughing.

"Come on you know you want play hooky with me. Ryan's going to be with my uncle over at my place. It'll be just me and you no interruptions." Gabe explained.

He had a point we would have the house to our selves. Bryan would be at the bakery and Ryan would be occupied with Gabe's uncle. And lord knows I haven't played hooky since opening the bakery. Everything seemed to be lining up for me and Gabe to never leave this bed.

But just as I was about to commit myself to being Gabe's love slave for the day my phone began ringing.

"Hold that thought." I said smiling as I answered the phone.

"Hello?" My voice came out breathless for the fact Gabe had decided to begin kissing in between my breast.

"Girl get out of your little love nest and get you ass over to the bakery. We have a serous mess over here!" Bryan snapped not sounding happy.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I pushed Gabe away so I could clime out if bed.

"The circuit to the walk-in is fried and I already called the electrician and they said they wouldn't be able to get out to use until tomorrow afternoon. But its the middle of summer so we cant not have a working walk-in Lil." Bryan explained sounding defeated.

"I know, I'm on my way." I said hanging up. I had no clue what I was going to do, we were in the middle of wedding season and had wedding cakes up to our eye balls just for this week. I could not have a broken walk-in right now.

"Shit!" I cursed running into my bathroom forgetting completely that Gabe still laid in my bed. I didn't remember until I felt him clime into the shower with me.

"What's wrong sugar? I'm sure i can help in some way if you just talk to me." Gabe said as he turned me to face him.

And once I looked into his gray eyes I knew that he was right. The point of being in a relationship was to share the tough times, so why not this?

"The circuit to my walk-in is fried. I had made on appointment to have the walk-in rewired at the end of the month, but apparently the walk-in decided to quite today. And my normal electrician cant get out to me until the middle of tomorrow. But the walk-in is packed full with seventeen weeding cake orders for this weekend. I cant believe this happened today of al days!" I finished completely frustrated.

But my emotions didn't faze Gabe at all. Nope all he did was pull me into his arms enveloping me in his warmth and strength. I was calmed instantly.

"That's better, are you calm now?" Gabe asked pulling away from me.

"Now I am." I answered.

"Good, you can stop worrying about the walk-in. Once you and me get out of the shower I'll call uncle Marshal who is a retired electrician and we'll take care of everything.

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