Chapter twenty two

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Gabe's POV:

"So your girls touchy about people talking about people making fun of Yankee's? Ricky asked me when we took a break from working with the horses. We were all standing under the large magnolia tree, trying to cool of in the little shade it provided.

"Did you here about that? You weren't even at breakfast when it happened." I asked, but I knew in my gut the answer to my own damn question.

"Keith told me. I think its pretty funny how she defended herself though." Ricky answered simply.

"I'm glade you like her, I'll have to make it a point to tell her she has a new person to add to her fan club." I said grinning looking over at the large red barn. My eye's kept finding their way back over to the building that currently held my little firecracker. I was also hoping Caroline wasn't being to hard on her as well.

"She'll be fine Gabe. Caroline wont be to hard on her, she knows you to have something special going on. You know your sisters favorite, she's just being protective. She remembers how long it took you to get your shit back together when Mia lost her mind. Hell were all a little gun shy when it comes to you dating again." Ricky explained.

"I don't know wither to take that as a complement or as an insult." I answered looking in Ricky in the eye.

"Trust me man, take it as your family knowing you well enough to want to be protective of you. Mia's bull shit and near tour this family to pieces, and hell if she was worth it. And that's not saying we don't all love Ryan but his momma is two steps away from the gutter, always has and always well be." Ricky said frowning remembering past bad memories.

"Ya trust me Ryan was defiantly the best thing I got out of my time with Mia. But I can all most put money on the fact that Lilly is nothing like Mia not even on her worse day. Shit I haven't even seen her on her worse day but I know in my gut that she couldn't be half as conniving as Mia was on her best day." I just knew Lilly was different.

"Ah man, the way your talking sounds like your in pretty deep." Ricky laughed smacking my shoulder.

"Possibly, I want to take this one slower. If you catch my drift. Everything with Mia happened way to fast, we went from having a good time to 'oh hey I'm pregnant' when she thought I was going to leave." "I just want to be sure of my feeling this time." I shock my head thinking back to my time spent with Mia. But when I picked my head back up my eye's managed to find there way back to the red barn.

"I get what you mean man, but know your gonna have to let Lilly in on some of these plans too. Because I can see it in her eye's she's starting to fall for you too." Ricky said following my eyes.

"I well." I said pulling my eyes from the barn and looking at back at Ricky.

"Alright Gilmore Girl's us man who still have balls have work to finish. So lets get a move on!" Todd yelled as he stepped out of the shade and back into the bright Texas summer sun.

"What is rag on Gabe day?" I asked as we headed to the large peen that held four of the new wild horse.

"Ya I think it is, at least that what my calendar said this morning." Todd throw over his shoulder grinning like a dip shit.

"Come on big brother your not going to take that right?" Keith yelled.

"You know he's getting soft in his old age, him and Ricky are about the same age." Liam added his own two cents at this point.

"Hey! How did I end up being apart of this? I thought you said it was rag on Gabe day not rage on Ricky day?" Ricky yelled confused.

"Na your are brother-in-law it well always be rag on Ricky day for that fact alone." Keith answered shrugging his shoulders.

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