Chapter ten

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  • Dedicated to Dawn AKA My Mommy!

Lilly's POV:

Bryan and Margret weren't kidding about having me out by 4:30. It was 4:38 when I pulled into my drive way after I was band from the premise until morning. I had just gotten out of the shower and was listening to Robin Thicke Blurred Lines, and when I heard the happy beat I just couldn't resist the temptation to dances my way from the bathroom to my room.

I laughed remembering Bryan running me out of the kitchen with a pastry bag just an hour ago. I still couldn't quite believe that I was finally going over to Gabe's house tonight. But I tried to push all of theses thoughts to the back of my head as I toweled off. I walked over to my closet and pulled out my pre-approved outfit by Bryan, but I still wasn't sure about the shoes he had subjected so I decided to call in Baby Joey to get his opinion on the matter.

"Hey baby Joey, Come here and help your mom pic a shoe."

Of courses he didn't answer in words, but I could tell by his tail wagging that I had his full attention. So I held up both of the shoes the espadrille in my right hand and the black breaded leather sandals in my left hand.

"So which do you think baby Joey?"

Joey did his signature head turn and looked at me like I was nuts before sniffing both of the shoes and turning his head away from me.

"That's no help Joey you have to pic one!"

So Joey tried his hand again at being my fashion coordinator by putting up his left paw. "You picked the sandals too, I guess Bryan was right. Sandals it is."

I put the espadrilles back into my closet before scratching Joey behind his ears. I walked back over to my bed and sat down with the sandals in my hand. When I sat down I noticed my alarm clock read that it was 5 o'clock already. This meant I had to get a move on if I had wanted to make it over to Gabe's before he served dinner. Even if I had procrastinated in going over for dinner in the past two days defiantly didn't mean I didn't notice my new neighbors comings and goings.

With the clock counting down I ran into the bathroom were I took the time to cover my body in Victoria's Secret SUPER MODLE lotion and body mist. I loved the golden sparkles that were left behind by the lotion. Once that was done I headed back into my room to get dressed. Once I was properly dressed again I went back into my bathroom to put on the final touches. These included unbearding my French bread I had worn to work this morning, and putting on a light touch of make-up. Once this was all done I was on my way.

It was 5:30 when I turning of the lights in my bathroom for a finale time. I had to smile to my self for the fact that it had only taken me an hour to get ready. I'm pretty proud of myself if I do say so.That happy moment lasted about a minute when I saw that Bryan was calling me.

"Yes Bryan." I answered the phone as I was walking down the stairs. What really could have happened in the hour I had bee away from the bakery already?

"I'm just calling to make sure your actually getting ready for your date tonight"

I was at the bottom of the stairs at this point trying to get my purse together as Joey followed me around. "Your shitting me right Bryan?! I gave you guy's my word that I would go over there tonight didn't I. And I'll have you know that I'm actually done getting ready, and I'm wearing your pre-approved outfit including the shoes. Which baby Joey agreed on as well."

Bryan found this to be quiet funny. "They do say that Border Collies are a very smart breed."

I faked laughing before saying "Your just happy that you got your way."

"Yup that sounds about right."

I smiled before saying "Alright, well if you want me to actually go to Gabe's I am going to have to hang up with you."

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