Chapter twenty-three

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Lilly's POV:

"Little lady, do you know that my son is smitten with you?" Trisha said as we walked out of the barn and into the hot sun. The rest of the girl's had told me the plan earlier this morning. I was left responsible of keeping Trisha occupied for two hours as they set up the back yard. Gabe Sr would be taking her out for the rest of the afternoon so I could do my part of the plan. My part being making dessert, the beauty of being a pastry chef.

But Tracey's question had me stopping in my tracks. "Ah no I didn't know that. Ya sure about that though?" I asked unsure.

"Yup I'm positive darlin. I'm that boy's momma I know when he's happy, mad, sad. And I know for a fact that you've light a fire in him, one I though had burned out years ago." Tracey said smiling at me.

"I really don't know what to say. Gabe is something special, something I've always wanted but was afraid to actually want. I'm not sure that makes since, but thats how I feel. And don't even get me started on Ryan, I think I love that little boy." I answered honestly.

"I understand what your saying about Gabe. I was young once. And it warms my heart to hear you talk about my boys the way you do. You light up when you talk about them. But know you have to be easy with Gabe he's a little gun shy." Tracey said giving my a motherly look.

"I'll do my best Tracey." I said looking over to where Ryan and his cousins were playing. He looked so happy and care free, something he had been robbed of.

"I know you well enough, and judging by the look your face right now as you watch Ryan paly, you definitely love that little boy. So I know you'll treat my boys right." "And what I tell you? Call me momma!" Trisha said rubbing my shoulder as we started to walk in to the house.

"Alright momma." I answered smiling, trying to head into the kitchen.

I had a cake to make with only three hours to do it. I couldn't help feeling a little over whelmed. It had been a while since I had made a entire cake solo, there were perks to being the head pastry chef in your own bakery. But once I turned on my phone and the kitchen was filled with music I automatically started to feel better. I had already come up with what I wanted Tracey's cake to look like so I was ready to get to work. The girls had stoked to kitchen with everything I needed. And when I started to dance around the kitchen working I knew I was right where I need to be. The kitchen well always be my home.

Three hours later-

Time flew by once I got into my rhythm. Not that I was complaining because I had just put the last touches on the cup cakes, and Tracey's cake was already done and  waiting in the cooler. I actually had 5 minutes to spare out of my three hour time line.

"Miss. Lilly, Miss. Lilly!" Ryan yelled as he ran into the kitchen looking upset.

"What's up little man?" I asked crouching down so that we were eye to eye.

"Well you help me get ready for Grandmas party. All the other boys ran inside with their mommy's while we were playing. But I don't have a mommy here so well you help me?" Ryan asked looking on the verge of tears.

Seeing this little boy on the verge of tears had me wanting to protect him form the world. "Of course little man, do you already know what your going to wear?" I asked standing up and grabbing his hand heading out of the kitchen and into the hallway.

"Yup daddy picked it out for me." Ryan said his face beamed with pride. There was no denying the fact that this boy was a daddy's boy.

"Well come on then, I want to see this outfit." I said smiling at Ryan as we walked into his room.

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