Chapter twenty eight

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Lilly's POV

Still Saturday

"Why don't you head home Lil? We've got everything under control here." Bryan suggested.

Apparently my constant sulking and dazed look all due to a lack of sleep, was bring down the mood of the bakery. The idea of going home and taking a relaxing bath did seem great in theory. But I also couldn't help thinking of the fact that my Cowboy wouldn't be there waiting for me with open arms like before.

"Go home chica." Margret encouraged.

"Alright fine, but only for the sake of the bakery." I said taking off my apron and heading toward the exit.

"And Lilly don't do anything drastic." Bryan yelled sounding worried.

"YA YA." I through over my shoulder.

I just needed to clear me head. But everywhere I looked something reminded me of Gabe. My sheets still held his sent, they forever reminded me of what I was missing. But it was time to face the fact that Gabe may never come back. He had left his troubled past in Texas with ease so why should this be any different.

So when I reached home I couldn't help my irrational urge to strip my sheets and metaphorically wash him from me. But by the time the washer had reached its rinse cycle I was in a heap on the floor crying my eyes out, regretting the fact I would never be able to smell his musky sweat smell.

I was so caught up in my own personal tornado of emotions, that I didn't notice the object of my breakdown was now calling my name.

"Lilly-sugar?" Gabe said as he knelt down in front of me.

"Gabe?" I was beyond happy to see him in that moment, but then the abandoned 5 year old inside me reminded me that this man had left me with no warning.

"Sugar are you okay?" Gabe asked sounding worried.

"Don't call me that." I snapped standing up trying to whip my damp cheeks.

"Lilly please-" Gabe started.

But I cut him off not wanting to hear from him at that moment. "Where did you go Gabe?"

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