Chapter eleven

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Lilly's POV:

Gabe hadn't been kidding about wanting to make me a believer that his momma had raised him right. Everything he had prepared had been cooked perfectly. But the food was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to thing's that Gabe did perfectly. That kiss he gave me earlier still had me in a hot and bothered tail spin.

I was sitting on the sofa in Gabe's living room, thinking over the evenings events. When I got the feeling that something or maybe I should say someone was watching me. Looking up from were I had zoned out, I found Gabe leaning against the door frame watching me. As he continued to stand there looking at me my brain saw it as a good time to just stair right back. I let my eye's travel his body. I couldn't help taking stock of the way his wide shoulders seemed to span the width of the door, and the fact that he was almost as tall as the door it self. But as my eyes continued there journey over his rather large body. I couldn't help noticing what looked to be a tattoo peaking out from under his navy blue t-shit. My eyes bulged for a good minute. How could I have missed that?

I was so caught up in the major fact that I had managed to over look Gabe's ink. That I completely missed him starting to talking to me. Until I looked back up to the door and saw that Gabe had moved, and was now standing next to my spot on the sofa.

Gabe looked down at me before saying "Let me guess you weren't listening to a word I just said?"

Laughing sheepishly. I tilted my head back so I would be able to look him in the eye.

"No, I'm sorry I got a little side tracked while I was looking at something before. What did you say?"

Gabe gave me his signature crocked smile, that told me he new what exactly had captivated my full attention before.

"Well did you enjoy the view? I can always move back, you really should be looking at my right side. I've always been told that it's my good side." Gabe said all of this with a straight face.

"Oh know your not going to make me fell like the creeper! I was so no the one who started staring first. And didn't I here you tell Ryan he couldn't stair at me before? So what makes you so special cowboy?"

Gabe's eyes smile grew as his stormy gray eye's darkened. I was mesmerized again. I really couldn't help staring thins time.

"Well look who's begin a 'creeper' again."

"Ah" I said as I stood up from the sofa, but this so was not a good move on my part. I now stood smack dab in front of Gabe's wide chest. The one I knew was muscular from are kissing in the kitchen earlier, were my hands had found there way up his shirt.

Gabe tilted his head back so he would be able to see my face, but made no effort to put any distant between us much like earlier. "So how about we sit outside for this grown up conversation you were talking about earlier?" I had heard what Gabe had said to me, for lord knows I loved to listen to that man talk. It had to be his good 'old boy southern drawl. It was my kryptonite.

"That sounds great." I blushed for the fact I knew we were going to be alone for this 'talk'. And lord knows what could happen with that fact alone.

"While I already light a fire in the pit out back. But before we go out I wanted to know if you would like a grown up conversation."

"Your a real smart ass. I never would have thought that from all the other times we've talked, but tonight your on a roll." I said laughing at Gabe's face.

Gabe actually blushed while rubbing his hand over the back of his neck. "Sorry about that. I'm just really comfortable with you Lilly. I keep forgetting that I'm suppose to be impressing you with my charm not my smart wit."

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