chapter twenty one

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Lilly's POV-

A few hours later...

What was that sound. I was still half a sleep but I knew something or more likely someone was making that unknown sound. I really didn't want to be awake at this time. It felt as if I had just fallen asleep. This shit was so not fair! "Ah what is that noise?" I moaned rolling over onto my stomach and in the processes ran into a solid chest. I guess I forgot I was sleeping with someone. I hope I didn't snore.

"That would be momma and pops 'cuddling'. I still don't know why they haven't gotten rid of that damn headboard. That damn thing has been making a racket scenes we were kids." Gabe was laying on his back with his arm out stretched and the sheets bunched around his lead midsection."Dose that mean there having sex?" I couldn't quiet believe what I was hearing. How and the hell am I supposed to look Tracey and Gabe Sr in the face later on. "Yup, us kids have gotten use to the noise. The only reason I woke up was because you started to move around in your sleep."

"Sorry, I kinda forgot I wasn't sleeping alone." I couldn't help blushing."Not a problem sugar. Do you feel like getting up with me now? I have to head out and help with the morning chores." Gabe had rapped his out stretched arm so he could pull my head onto his chest."Its not like I could go back to sleep with that racket going on." I said laughing at our odd situation."No probably not, they are pretty loud." Gabe said chuckling as his checks turned pink.I loved the sound. Having my head on his chest made it possible for me to hear every noise Gabe's body made in crystal clear perfection.

"Sugar?" Gabe asked looking down at me.

"Sorry. I got a little side tracked." I said before i kissed his hard chest and got up.

"So now that you got me up, what well these chores entail." I asked as i walked into the bathroom. After I took care of my business I found Gabe sitting on the corner of our bed in only his very tight boxers. Now if that isn't a site to wake up to in the morning."To answer your question you'll be helping out in the barn with Caroline and the rest of the girls. Pops said he wanted us to help him break some wild horses he just got in, so that's were you'll find me and the rest of the guys." Gabe looked so at home listing off the daily chores for the ranch. I couldn't help feeling sorry that we be leaving tomorrow morning. This place was truly his home.

Trying to bring some humor back into our conversation I said "The things you get me suckered into Cowboy!" As I lend down to kiss his soft lips but pulled away before we ended up like his parents."mm you'll love it sugar I promise. And you'll get to see this Cowboy God in action." Gabe said grinning like a fool as he began to pull on his work clothes.

"I'm never going to live that one down, am I?" I asked under my breath as I walked over to my suit case to pull out something to wear. I was thanking my lucky stars that I had packed some simple clothes, ones I wouldn't mind getting dirty in. They came in the form of a light purple tank top and a very old pair of cut of shorts. But I was screwed in the shoe department. What can I say I couldn't pack my in tire closet."Ah Cowboy i have nothing to wear on my feet." I had finished getting dressed as did Gabe but unlike him I didn't have extra clothes left here from past visits. "I thought about this last night, so I asked June if she would let you barrow a pair of her old work boots. Gabe said as he handed me the boots."She didn't put itching powder in them or something like that right?" I  cautiously took the boots from Gabe's out stretched hand. "I don't think so, but if she did I'll beat her ass for you if your feet start to itch. Okay?" Gabe asked smiling down at me."Ya Ya." I said as I put on the boots, but not before sending up a prayer that June didn't fuck with these damn boots.  "Now if that ant country I don't know what is!" Gabe said looking me up and down. I did look pretty country in my tank top and old cut offs, and lets not forget the work boots.

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