Chapter six

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Lilly's POV:

I was just putting the last batch of Gabby's order into the convection oven when Bryan came in to the kitchen through the back door. I could tell by the confused look on his face he was surprised to see me in so early on my morning off, just like Margaret had been.

"Hey baby cake's what are you doing here at this time in the am? It is Thursday right?" Bryan asked as he walked over to the counter that I was working on.

"Ya, what is with everyone questioning me to why I'm in my own damn bakery?!" For the fact is I am the one who pays the damn bills in this place. I could come in whenever I wanted to.

But when Bryan saw my anger he paused before answering.

"I don't know because your usually jumping for joy on Wednesday night, because you know you have off in the morning. So to see you back here at 10:45 on Thursday morning is a little surprising is all."

What Bryan said was true for I was usually as happy as a pig in shit come Wednesday night. For the fact that I knew that I would have a whole morning to myself to do whatever I couldn't get done during my unusual late hours at the bakery. So Gabby's order totally messed up not only my professional life but my personal life or lack there of as well.

"Well tell that to my very pregnant baby sister" I said frowning as I text my sister to ask what flavor and color frosting she wanted.

"Your shitting me right? What could Gabby have needed so badly that it couldn't wait until your shift started later on this afternoon?"

"Gabby needed a order of Gluten free cupcakes for an offices party that Marks Firm is having this Friday at 12:30."

"And she just happened to remember this urgent order on Wednesday night  after closing right? Right after we all would have left for the night so she would have you all to het self. Because she knows she cant guilt trip you into doing her biding when were around."

I smiled at Brian before saying "You truly know my family to well Bryan."

"Don't smile at me Lil because we both know you are not smiling on the inside, so just stop. What did she say to get you to give up your one free morning and most likely back up the whole bakery?"

"Oh something along the lines of "fine I'll make them myself and be to tired to go to Mark's offices party", and then there was something about me not knowing how hard it is to be pregnant."

"I swear to you Lil you are a fucking saint in my book. You do know that right?"

"What are you talking about Bryan?" I asked Bryan with a confused look on my face.

"You totally allow your sister to walk all over you, and say hurtful things but instead of saying equally mean and rude thing back you just do what she fucking ask. That's just crazy to my because if one of my siblings was asking for a favor one second all nice but the moment I said no started to basically insult me there would be know way in hell that I would be like sure let me fuck up my own week to bail you out."

"Ah now I see. And trust me Bryan I understand what your saying but I'm really hoping that having this kid well make my baby sister grow up some."

I could tell by the look on Bryan's face that he was not at all happy by my commit.

"Ya and you said the same thing when she married poor Mark. How'd that one work out for you Lil?!"

Oh boy I made him made now, so I decided to sit on the stool in the corner of the kitchen and wait out the raging storm that was Bryan comfortably.

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