Chapter thirteen

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Gabe's POV-

I had been thinking about Lilly all damn day. Shit ever since I walked her home last night, I couldn't get her out of my head. My mind kept pulling up memorys of how it felt to kiss her soft yielding lips, and the way her body felt perfect straddling my lap out on the back porch last night. I wouldn't be able to look at those Adirondack chairs the same ever again.

I was I my bedroom painting, or trying to paint when I heard Ryan yell my name.

"What's up little man?" I asked as I tried to focus once again on painting. I had only managed to finish two walls in four hours I had been in my room. Shit.

"Can I help daddy?" Ryan was looking at how much I had of the walls I had already finished. Lets just say that he wasn't very impressed with my handy work.

"Sure, but go put your junk clothes on. So you don't get those messed up."

Ryan was wearing his favorite superhero costume, that barely fit anymore. But he loved the thing and refused to get rid of it. And who was I to ruin his fun?

"Alright, I'll be right back daddy." Ryan yelled while running to his room.

As I got back to my sad attempt at painting my mind wondered right back to Lilly. Last night was great and I'm not even talking about the physical stuff, because that was beyond words. Not that Mia and I ever had trouble in bed it was outside of it where we were all thumbs. We could never just talk to one another, but with Lilly it was different. We spent hours just talking last night, from the most serious topics to poking fun at each other.

I was so caught up in remembering last night. I didn't notice that Ryan had come back into my room changed, and ready to paint unlike myself.

"Dad! Your not painting again" Ryan yelled. Looking at me with confusion in his eyes.

"My bad little man. I was thinking." I shuck my head trying to clear it once and for all.

"What were you thinking about? Were you thinking about Miss. Lilly?" Ryan asked as he got to work painting around the window sills.

"Why would you think that little man?" I had picked up my roller again, after dipping it into the dark blue paint.

"Well because you kissed Miss. Lilly last night. That must mean you like her alot." Ryan said this as if it were perfectly normal to have since his father kissing another women.

Putting the roller down again I looked at Ryan like he had five heads. How could he have since me kiss Lilly last night. I know I wasn't exactly discreet but still.

"When did you see me kiss Miss. Lilly?" I asked rubbing a hand over the back of my neck.

I wasn't sure how Ryan was going to react to seeing me moving on with another women other than his mother. Even if she wasn't his favorite person all the time, I knew my boy still held respect for his mother.

"You too were outside, but I woke up and the house was really quite so I went looking for you. And when I found you, you and Miss. Lilly were sharing a chair and kissing." Ryan said the end making a face of discuss. I'm guessing more from the idea of kissing than what he actually saw. You really gotta love little boys. Soon I won't be able to keep him away from wanting to kiss the ladies.

"Okay, well I'm sorry that you were scared for alittle bit. But you could have called out my name. I would have come inside for you. How do you fell about what you saw?" I really didn't want to ask, but as a Dad I had to make sure Ryan was comfortable with what was going on in my personal life.

"I think its weird that you were kissing Miss. Lilly, but she is pretty and she is really nice. But I still don't understand why would want to do that with her daddy. Shes a girl! Ew!"

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