EP. 6 - Might of Saiyan Children

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The two saiyan children had a stare off, each seemingly studying the other.

Yucca spread her feet and held up her fists, ready to pounce at any second. She had no idea how the younger boy fought against someone at his level. It wasn't reliable to determine his skill based on his fights with the human children.

Yucca mentally swore at not having an idea of his true power. At least with Niya, she knew the great power she was up against.

Goten was staring closely as well, but he was nervous. He had never fought saiyans other than his best friend, Trunks, and his big brother, Gohan.

The 'boy' 'Yucco' felt strong but Goten wasn't sure what to expect of someone who was raised and trained by other saiyans. He felt insecure, realizing the 'boy' probably had lots more experience fighting than he did.

But then, Goten turned to a voice cheering him on.

"You've got this, Goten!" his father, Goku, cheered. "Relax, son!"

Goten lit up a bit. Then, he became serious. His father was watching, the man he had never met until that day, just hours earlier.

Gohan had talked about how amazing their father was, and that he was the strongest fighter in the universe.

Goten couldn't afford to do nothing but his best in front of his father. He wanted to show just how strong he was, and he wanted to make his father proud. He needed to win; he wanted to win.

He would beat Yucco, Ayin, and even Trunks. He wanted to be the strongest, just like Gohan, and just like Goku.

Goten narrowed his eyes and took his fighting position as well.

His opponent 'Yucco' took his action as him finally being ready, and she wrapped her saiyan tail tight around her waist.

Yucca powered up her white aura and pushed off the arena ground at the younger saiyan, fist aiming for his face.

Goten was surprised at her speed and quickly jumped back. He gasped as her fist created a dent in the arena.

Yucca didn't waste time, and she quickly jumped over over to the younger saiyan, throwing a flurry of punches.

Goten was tense as he tried his best to dodge the punches.

Then, Yucca faked a punch before kicking him in the side, making the boy cry out and fly to the left, nearing the stadium of people.

"Stop, Goten!" his mother, Chi-Chi yelled out.

At the sound of her voice, Goten regained his composure and upon remembering he could fly, he halted just before hitting the stadium. He had a serious look.

Yucca smirked. "You're better than I expected for a half-saiyan."

Goten frowned. "I'm pretty strong, ya know."

"I would rate you about average," Yucca snickered.

The comment made Goten angry. He was determined to prove 'him' wrong. He powered up a white aura, and zoomed in after 'Yucco'.

Yucca smirked and held up her hands, ready for him. She took the defensive and let the younger saiyan do his best against her.

However, she was surprised at his speed and strength. She actually had to focus on his attacks, and she winced when a fist scratched her cheek. Her eyes widened, and she cried out when Goten successfully punched her square in the face.

Yucca skidded back, and there was a stillness in the air. Blood dripped onto the floor, and then Yucca looked back up to her opponent. She glared and wiped the blood from her nose. She was so angry to bleed first that she growled at the boy.

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