EP. 15 - Fu-Sion-Ha!

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The saiyan children watched uncomfortably as Goku began to pant from the exhaustion of using his Super Saiyan Three form.

"Maybe you should sit down?" Niya suggested worriedly.

"It's alright... It won't be long now," Goku assured. "So listen up: this is the hard part about fusion."

The children tensed up, ready to listen.

"After you've matched your ki exactly, you have to make the same exact pose," Goku explained. "I'm going to demonstrate now, so watch carefully and memorize this."

With dismay and confusion, the children observed Goku perform strange poses and dance moves.

"This cannot be real...," Yucca blushed.

"That looked super lame to me...," Trunks cringed.

"Yeah...," Goten agreed.

"What do you mean? It looks like fun," Niya smiled.

Goku continued panting. "And you have to be symmetrical to each other. Now, give it a try."

Niya blinked. "We have to be what?"

"What's, uh, 'symmetrical' mean?" Trunks questioned.

Goku rubbed his chin. "Hmm, how do I explain...? Piccolo! Let's show 'em!"

"What?" Piccolo flinched. "You expect me to do that?"

"Yep! Let's do it!" Goku positioned itself a few feet away from him.

Begrudgingly, Piccolo took his position as well.

The two performed the Fusion Dance slowly, with Goku explaining each position and step.

Yucca took out her device from earlier and recorded their technique.

"Good idea," Niya whispered as she watched from beside her.

Once the Fusion Dance was over, Piccolo wiped his brow and backed away a few steps. He seemed relieved his part was over.

"Okay, now you try," Goku turned to the children.

Yucca stopped recording and nodded.

And so, the saiyan children practiced the fusion dance, accepting Goku's critiques and working hard to do it right.

"This is silly...," Yucca blushed to Niya in their language.

The Princess was counting to herself, trying very hard. "Huh? This is harder than I thought," she remarked with furrowed brows.

Yucca felt selfish for only thinking of her image when her friend was putting in her all. "We'll figure this out," she assured.

Niya wiped her forehead, but her eyes caught a strange woman.

She was tiny and old, sitting on a mysterious blue orb. Her pink hair was chin length, and atop her head, settled a sort of witch's hat.

"Goku, it's almost time," the woman, Fortune Teller Baba, rasped. "We must return to the afterlife."

The Saiyan man turned to her and settled on a smile. "Alright. Well, Piccolo, I'm leaving the rest to you. They should have the technique down by tomorrow."

"Alright," Piccolo nodded.

"Wait. You're leaving?" Yucca questioned incredulously.

"Yeah, I'm dead," Goku chuckled and pointed to his halo. "I was only allowed one day on Earth, and now my time's up."

Niya looked up to him and smiled. "I'm glad I got to meet you."

Goku remembered Future Niya for a second, but he still smiled. "Me too. Make sure you train really hard so we can fight each other in the After Life!"

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