EP. 13 - The Z-Sword

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Yucca tensed and sensed around as the darkness loomed. "What's going on?" she scowled.

"Someone must be using the Dragon Balls!" Goku realized.

"The wishing orbs?" she questioned.

"Yeah!" Krillin nodded. "But, Bulma has them, doesn't she?"

"Okay, but why is she...?" Goku started. "Vegeta! She's bringing back the people he killed!

Dende stressed. "Oh, no! If they use the three wishes now, we won't be able to use the Dragon Balls again for a whole year!"

Goku pressed his pointer and middle fingers to his forehead. "I'll stop them!" After a few moments of struggling to find Bulma's ki, he found it and used Instant Transmission to appear before her and the rest of his friends.

Yucca stared with wide eyes. "Where...? How...?"

"He used a teleportation technique called Instant Transmission," Piccolo answered. "He went to wherever Bulma is to stop her from using all three wishes."

"A teleportation technique?" she thought. "It sounds strange like something the Yardrats would use."

"That's because it is," Dende replied. "Goku learned this technique after training with the Yardrats quite some time ago."

Yucca looked into the sky. "I see. Well, now I know where I'm going if we survive this."

× × ×

Shin began to struggle with his next steps. He panted, not fully healed from his injuries. He felt that perhaps he had opened a few wounds as he ventured behind Lady Ayata.

"Wait," he called, leaning against a boulder. "I need to... catch my breath."

Ayata stopped and turned to him. Her brows furrowed at his panting and strained breathing. She could see he was beginning to struggle greatly.

She went over to him. "Come on now. Let me carry you."

"N-No, we're almost there, aren't–?"

"No," she cut him off. "Don't get all shy just because I'm a woman."

Shin groaned in pain as Ayata shifted him into her arms. Once he settled, she chuckled. "My, you're quite small."

His cheeks slightly flushed. "May we continue our search for Gohan now?"

Ayata smiled. "Oh, of course, Supreme Kai."

Shin looked ahead, and Ayata began to carry him to Gohan's location.

"Supreme Kai!"

They both looked up at the sudden call from the sky.

"K-Kibito?!" Shin exclaimed.

The tall man landed before them but immediately exclaimed at his Lord's state. "Supreme Kai! And... Lady Ayata?"

She set the Shin back down. "No time for questions! Just hurry up and heal him."

"R-Right!" Kibito nodded and did so.

Relieved and elated, Shin got back to his feet. "Kibito, you're alive! How?"

He smiled. "I am not quite sure, but it is good to be back."

Shin also smiled at his dear friend until a shock brought him back to his senses. "Oh, no! Kibito, we must hurry! We must save Gohan!"

"Son Gohan?"

"Yes!" Shin quickly nodded. "Lady Ayata, you may rest inside the Red Jewel now. But please keep an eye out for Gohan."

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